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name | actionflow |
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For details on how to configure actionflows; see Understanding Actionflows and Creating Actionflows.
Tip |
Remember that the actionflow shown in the centre of the actionflow diagram can be reused. An actionflow instance is the unique combination of: |
Use the properties to add a description for the actionflow, or to change which users can run it.
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_property_toolbar | _property_toolbar | nopanel | true |
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In general, there is no need to edit the actionflow properties as the configuration is done in the actionflow diagram. The diagram comprises three areas:
On the left: configure the component or event that will trigger the actionflow.PhixFlow lists the inputs in the Properties tab → Input Connection Points section.In the centre: add the actionflow nodes to create the functionality you require.An actionflow node can be another actionflow. his is useful to reuse existing actionflows, or to refactor a complex workflow.PhixFlow lists any actionflows that are nodes in the Properties tab → Child Actionflows section.On the right: if the actionflow has an output as a result of running, configure what to do with the outputs.
PhixFlow lists the inputs in the Properties tab → Output Connection Points section.Input Connection Points are the interface to the actionflow. They define the inputs, lookups (optional) and outputs (optional) the actionflow is expecting, and specify what data, if any, is passed through them. Where no data is required the input can be an event such as a mouse-click or scheduled task.
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title | Click to see example... |
Two screens use the same actionflow. One actionflow expects an Area Code to calculate a distance. The screen passes the actionflow a Postcode, this is mapped into the actionflow onto the Area Code attribute using the Input Connection Point mapping. Image Added
A second screen can reuse the actionflow (this is referred to as an instance) and pass in a Zip Code which is mapped into the actionflow using the Input Connection Point mapping. Image Added
When a new input is connected the mapping wizard will appear. To reopen the mapping wizard click on the connector between the Input Data and the Input Connection Point.
Data Name | Description |
Selected Records | Records selected in the Input. For example multiple records selected on a grid. |
Edited Records | Records that have been edited on the input. For example, only records which have been edited on a grid. |
Page | All records on a page. For example a single record being edited using a form. |
Dragged Records | Selected records that have been dragged onto a drop target. |
Drop Target Records | Records Dropped onto a drop target. |
Further information, see Actionflows.
A driving connection, records flow into the actionflow one by one. An event is classed as a single driving record. An actionflow requires at least one input connection point.
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name | basic-h |
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Field | Description |
Name | The name of the Actionflow. |
Action Phase | The Insert excerpt |
| _action_phase |
| _action_phase |
nopanel | true |
| that the connection point is in. See Actionflow Phases. |
Field | Description |
Minimum Records | The minimum number of records that the Actionflow needs to run. If the received records are not above the minimum set, the Actionflow will not run. |
Minimum Records Error Message (Available in PhixFlow 12.1+) | Enter an error message that will show if the Minimum Records is not reached. |
Maximum Records | The maximum number of records that the Actionflow is permitted to run. If the received records exceed the maximum set, the Actionflow will not run. |
Maximum Records Error Message (Available in PhixFlow 12.1+) | Enter an error message that will show if the Maximum Records is exceeded. |
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the input parameters (attributes) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Type | The data type (e.g. integer) of each input parameter (attribute) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Default Expression | A value or expression that is evaluated when no value is mapped to the attribute, or if the value is null or unavailable (e.g. if the user did not have permission to see it). Default value expressions do not use the order they are set in and are automatically resolved in the appropriate order based upon other attributes they reference. For referencing attributes, use the notation, in.attributeName
Note |
If ${_NULL} is entered, this will convert to a null value, not an empty string. |
Output Connection Points return records as individual records.
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| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | basic-h |
nopanel | true |
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_parent | _parentEnter the for action nodeactionflowpropertiesactionflowpropertiesname | show-name |
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_actionflow_properties | _actionflow_properties | name | show-text |
nopanel | true |
This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.
The grid contains a list of the inputs that can initiate this actionflow instance.
To change an input connection point, use the actionflow diagram's left panel.To edit the properties of an existing input connection point, double-click it's name in the list to open its properties; see Input Connection Points.To delete an input connection point from the properties, the actionflow diagram and the repository, select it in the list and in the section toolbar, click Field | Description |
Name | The name of the input parameters (attributes) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Type | The data type (e.g. integer) of each input parameter (attribute) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Default Expression | A value or expression that is evaluated when no value is mapped to the attribute, or if the value is null or unavailable (e.g. if the user did not have permission to see it). Default value expressions do not use the order they are set in and are automatically resolved in the appropriate order based upon other attributes they reference. For referencing attributes, use the notation, in.attributeName
Note |
If ${_NULL} is entered, this will convert to a null value, not an empty string. |
deletedelete. Refresh the actionflow diagram to reflect this changeLookup Connection Points return records as a single recordset to the actionflow.
description_description | _property_tabs |
name | basic-h |
nopanel | true |
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the Actionflow. |
Action Phase | |
accessaccess Insert excerpt |
_audit | _audit | nopanel | true |
Live Search |
spaceKey | @self |
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placeholder | Search all help pages |
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title | Sections on this page |
Table of Contents |
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Learn More
For links to all pages in this topic, see Understanding Actionflows.
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_terms_changing | _terms_changingField | Description |
Minimum Records | The minimum number of records that the Actionflow needs to run. If the received records are not above the minimum set, the Actionflow will not run. |
Minimum Records Error Message (Available in PhixFlow 12.1+) | Enter an error message that will show if the Minimum Records is not reached. |
Maximum Records | The maximum number of records that the Actionflow is permitted to run. If the received records exceed the maximum set, the Actionflow will not run. |
Maximum Records Error Message (Available in PhixFlow 12.1+) | Enter an error message that will show if the Maximum Records is exceeded. |
Attributes used to filter the lookup.
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the input parameters (attributes) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Type | The data type (e.g. integer) of each input parameter (attribute) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Default Expression | A value or expression that is evaluated when no value is mapped to the attribute, or unavailable (e.g. if the user did not have permission to see it). Default value expressions do not use the order they are set in and are automatically resolved in the appropriate order based upon other attributes they reference. For referencing attributes, use the notation, in.attributeName
Note |
If ${_NULL} is entered, this will convert to a null value, not an empty string. |
Attributes returned by the lookup.
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the input parameters (attributes) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Type | The data type (e.g. integer) of each input parameter (attribute) mapped into the Actionflow. |
Default Expression | A value or expression that is evaluated when no value is mapped to the attribute, or unavailable (e.g. if the user did not have permission to see it). Default value expressions do not use the order they are set in and are automatically resolved in the appropriate order based upon other attributes they reference. For referencing attributes, use the notation, in.attributeName
Note |
If ${_NULL} is entered, this will convert to a null value, not an empty string. |