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This page provides details of the properties for a palette, which is part of an screen design.


A palette provides quick access to set of configured templates, which you can dragging onto a screen canvas to easily create application screens.

PhixFlow comes with two default palettes:

  • Basic Components: contains all basic layout components, such as String Field and CheckBox without any additional labels and styling.
  • Labelled Fields: contains a set of predefined form fields that have configurable labels. This is the palette to use when designing application forms. 

You can install additional package templates, each of which includes a different palette; see Installing Template Packages

When you create an application, you can select a package template. This sets the default styles and palette for the application; see Understanding Template Packages. To make additional palettes available to an application, add it to the application's packages.

When you are designing screens, PhixFlow displays a list of the available palettes. You can expand a palette and drag components from the palette onto the screen.

To add your own components to an existing palette:

  • convert your components and layouts to a template: see Making Template Components.
  • Drag the template into the Components section of the palette properties.

You can also create your own palette; see Changing or Creating a Palette.


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 defines the expected input for the form field it is applied to for it to be considered valid. Where the input of a form field does not pass the criteria an error value is set, this is available using _field.errors.

Example Validations

For examples of validation configurations, see Validation, Custom Validation and Adding Validation to Table Attributes.

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Basic Settings


NameName of the
Validation Type.
Help URL

For palettes supplied by PhixFlow, this URL links to the help page about the palette.

If you create your own palette, add a link to additional information to help people to use your palette.

PhixFlow displays the palette header bar with a  Insert excerpt_help_helpnopaneltrue icon which links to the URL specified here.


This section has a toolbar with standard buttons

Click  Insert excerpt_template_list_template_listnopaneltrue to open the full repository list of Templates. If you want to see only templates from your application, find your application → Templates.Drag in the templates you want to appear in this group.  Anchorgroupgroup

Palette Groups 

Use palette groups to organise your components in the palette.

To add a palette group to your palette:

Click Insert excerpt_new_newnopaneltrue.
  • PhixFlow opens the Palette Group properties.
  • Set the name and order. Add the components you require.
  • Insert excerpt_finish_finishnopaneltrue.To remove a group from the palette, use the Insert excerpt_delete_deletenopaneltrue in the toolbar.

    Pallet Group Properties

    FieldDescriptionNameName of the palette group.OrderEnter a number to specify where this group appears in the palette.Components

    This section has a toolbar with standard buttons

    Click  Insert excerpt_template_list_template_listnopaneltrue to open the full repository list of Templates. If you want to see only templates from your application, find your application → Templates.

    Drag in the templates you want to appear in this group.


    Tooltip Enter a tooltip. This will be displayed when a user hovers their mouse pointer over the palette group.

    Description Enter a description for this palette group.

    Image Removed Audit Tab
    Audit Summary

    See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

    TooltipThe description that will appear at the tooltip for this palette.Base Type

    Defines the data type the validation applies to, see Understanding Data Types. The value is selected from a drop-down list which contains the following options:

    1. String
    2. Integer
    3. Number
    4. Any


    Validation options define the validation applied by the Validation Type. The validation options are determined by the Base Type selected in the basic settings:

    Base Type SelectedValidation Options
    1. Minimum Length, of the string for it to be valid. 
    2. Maximum Length, of the string for it to be valid.
    3. Pattern, the pattern a string must satisfy for it to be considered valid. The pattern is entered as a regular expression, see Regular Expressions.


    1. Minimum, number permitted for an integer to be valid.
    2. Exclusive of Minimum, if disabled the number must be greater than the minimum set. If enabled the number must be greater than or equal to the minimum set. 
    3. Maximum, number permitted for an integer to be valid.
    4. Exclusive of Maximum,  if disabled the number must be less than the minimum set. If enabled the number must be less than or equal to the minimum set.
    5. Multiple Of, checks if the integer is a multiple of the given number, if it is then the integer is considered valid. 
    1. Minimum, number permitted for an integer to be valid.
    2. Exclusive of Minimum, if disabled the number must be greater than the minimum set. If enabled the number must be greater than or equal to the minimum set. 
    3. Maximum, number permitted for an integer to be valid.
    4. Exclusive of Maximum,  if disabled the number must be less than the minimum set. If enabled the number must be less than or equal to the minimum set.
    5. Multiple Of, checks if the integer is a multiple of the given number, if it is then the integer is considered valid. 

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    DescriptionWe recommend you always add a description of this palette.

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    titleSections on this page

    Table of Contents

    Learn More

    For links to all pages in this topic, see  Understanding Template Packages.

    Insert excerpt_terms_changing_terms_changingnopaneltrue