By default, Autosave Attributes is enabled, this saves any attributes on the driving input form that link to the table on the save node. Specific attributes can be overridden manually by specifying the attributes, or if Autosave Attributes is not enabled the Save node will only save attributes which are mapped to it and ignore any that have not been included. A Save node must be attached to a table with a Type of Transactional. Worked ExampleFor full details on how to create a Save node, including worked examples, see Save Action Configuration. Insert excerpt |
| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | basic-h |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| _parent |
| _parent |
nopanel | true |
Basic SettingsField | Description |
Name | Enter the name for the action node. | Insert excerpt |
| _actionflow_properties |
| _actionflow_properties |
name | show-name |
nopanel | true |
| Insert excerpt |
| _actionflow_properties |
| _actionflow_properties |
name | show-text |
nopanel | true |
| Type | |