For an introduction to ERD concepts and why ERDs are important, see Understanding ERDs.
For a video explaining ERD Fundamentals, which shows The ERD Fundamentals video shows how to create a screen from within an ERD, see Entity Relationship Diagrams. 2. ERD Fundamentals.
Create a Screen
- In an ERD, select a table that contains data you want to show on a screen.
- Create a screen using one of the following options:
- either, on the toolbar Right-click on your table and click
Insert excerpt |
| _screen_icon_only |
| _screen_icon_only |
nopanel | true |
.or right-click on your table and click Create Screen. - or in In a table's header, click
Insert excerpt |
| _more_options_erd |
| _more_options_erd |
nopanel | true |
and click Create Screen. and click Insert excerpt |
| _screen_icon_only |
| _screen_icon_only |
nopanel | true |
Create Screen
- PhixFlow guides you through the process of creating a screen.
- Enter the Name for the new screen.
- Select a Template for the screen's design. This can be edited at a later date.
- PhixFlow creates the screen. This can take several seconds while the screen is rendered. The new screen opens with the Available Attributes open.
- Drag the desired attributes onto the screen and drop them where you want them to appear.
PhixFlow prompts you to select a format for how to display data:
Image RemovedImage Added
Select an option to display the data as a grid, graph, chart, set of cards or input form.
Complete you screen configuration. You can make changes to a screen layout; see Adding Screen Content.
This process creates a data component that is bound to a data view and opens its properties.
See Creating Dashboards and Reports (Charts and Graphs) for details on configuring different types of componentview such as graphs and charts.