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name | administration |
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PhixFlow automatically uses the appropriate driver class to communicate with its own database. driver classes driver class You can use the MariaDB driver class to connect to a MySQL database. Tip |
ClassSave the files to the Driver Class File Directory. You need permission to add system files to do this. set in the PhixFlow database, it will be listed in the System Configuration set: Insert excerpt |
_set_driver_dir | _set_driver_dir | nopanel | true |
In the PhixFlow application, for each type of database, create one Driver Class; see Adding or Changing a Driver Class, below.In the driver class properties → Driver Class File section, add all the JDBC driver files that the database requires; see Driver Classes and Driver Class File Properties, below.For each driver class file, specify the full path to the file, which is stored in the Driver Class File Directory, or a sub-directory of it.Adding or Changing a Driver Class Anchor |
_add | _add | To create a driver class, in _classclass_ right- Driver Classes and select addadd class driver classes Driver Classes and Driver Class File Properties driver classes → Driver Class.standard_settings_standard_settingsBasic Class the class this driver class tickedtickedtbc
Class classaddadd Class Class Linux: Specify the full path to the to the database directory and driver class jar file. For example:
<driverjar>Windows: C:\opt\phixflow-drivers\<driver.jar>
The root Driver Class File Directory, must also be specified in System Configuration. class any driver classes you create:are exported and then imported to other instanceshave instances ensures that that use the database driver the other instances. driver classes In PhixFlow version 8.2 it is possible to use tomcat/lib
as the System Configuration → Driver Class File Directory. However this is deprecated. In a future release, we will remove the ability to use Driver ClassesThe , driver classes new class preconfigured class driver classes