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in version 8.3.0, was upgraded to Security answers using normalized Bcrypt.This changes all letters to lower case and removes spaces before encrytpting.It does not use the pepper key, so security answers will work if the user account is imported to another instance. key key is specific to the PhixFlow instance, and because key will be have reset After upgrading to , new or reset passwords and security answers automatically use the Bcrypt method.Passwords and security answers were encrypted using the previous encryption method. These will continue to work because the configuration file phixflow-instance.xml has a list of all the encryption methodsTo check a passoword or security answer, PhixFlow identifies which method has been used to encrypt it. It then uses the same method to encrypt the string supplied by the user. PhixFlow then compares the two encrypted versions and ensures these match.
As Bcrypt is more secure, we recommend all security information is migrated to Bcrypt as soon as possible.
To do this, all users must change their passwords and their security answers.You ; a new version of This means and security answers , and security answers and security answers or security answers or security answers or security answers ResetAbout the Pepper Key
The pepper key for your PhixFlow instance is created at installation or uprade to 8.3.0. a key see EncrytptionOnce it is set, all new or reset passwords have the pepper key added to them. key ; see alias stored in Do not change as this will disable