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| _Banners |
| _Banners |
name | actionflow |
nopanel | true |
This page is for application designers who need to configure functionality for components or events. It explains the properties for the gateway node, which is part of an actionflow.
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Gateway Node PropertiesImage Modified Use a Insert excerpt |
| _action_gateway |
| _action_gateway |
nopanel | true |
| node to control the path that data records take as they flow through an actionflow. You can add several output connection points. On the output connection points, you can specify decision logic to control the path of data, record by record.Worked Example |
Sometimes there is a threshold in your data that affects the way you want to process it. For example, you might want someone to approve orders over £1000, whereas orders below this value can be placed without approval.
The application screen, below, lists the orders pending approval.
Image Removed
The actionflow for this requires a gateway node to capture orders with a value of £1000 or more so that it can send these to the person authorised to approve themFor full details on how to create a Gateway node, including worked examples, see Gateway Action Configuration. Insert excerpt |
| _property_toolbar |
| _property_toolbar |
nopanel | true |
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| _property_tabs |
| _property_tabs |
name | basic-h |
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| _parent |
| _parent |
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Basic SettingsField | Description |
Name | Enter the name of the action node. |
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_actionflow_properties | _actionflow_properties | name | show-name |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
_actionflow_properties | _actionflow_properties | name | show-textnopanel | true |
Exclusive | Control whether or not a record can go through more than one output. Exclusive Gateway (Single path) Insert excerpt |
| _toggle_on |
| _toggle_on |
nopanel | true |
| to make a record go through the first connection point where the condition is met. Exclusive gateways include the visual indicator of their setup: Image ModifiedInclusive Gateway (Multiple Paths) Insert excerpt |
| _toggle_off |
| _toggle_off |
nopanel | true |
| to make a record go through all connection points where the condition is met. Inclusive gateways include the visual |
the visual indicator of their setup: Image Modified | Description | We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item. |
RulesField | Description |
Rule | The expression to be evaluated. If the condition is met, the record will go through the connection point or points (depending on if the gateway is exclusive or inclusive, see above). | Output | The name of the output connection point. | Order | The order the rules should be evaluated in. |
This section has a toolbar with standard buttons. Gateway nodes can have: - one
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| _driving_input_connection_point |
| _driving_input_connection_point |
nopanel | true |
- multiple
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| _request_input_connection_point |
| _request_input_connection_point |
nopanel | true |
| s
The grid contains a list of all input connection points and their type. - To add a new input connection point, in the section toolbar click to open a new input connection point and set its properties; see Input Connection Points.
- To edit an existing input connection point, double-click it in the list to open its properties.
- To remove an input connection point, select one and in the section toolbar click
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| _delete |
| _delete |
nopanel | true |
| .
Output Connection Points
This section has a toolbar with standard buttons. The grid contains a list of all output connection points.
To add a new output path, in the section toolbar click Insert excerpt |
_add | _add | nopanel | true |
to open a new output path and set the expression; see Output Connection Points.To edit an existing output path, double-click it in the list to open its properties.To remove an output path, select one and in the section toolbar click Insert excerpt |
_delete | _delete | nopanel | true |
. Insert excerpt |
_description | _description | AdvancedField | Description |
Prioritise Throughput Over Ordering | Insert excerpt |
| Actionflow Properties |
| Actionflow Properties |
name | PrioritiseThroughputOverOrdering |
nopanel | true |
Learn More
For links to all pages in this topic, see Understanding Actionflows.