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name | administration |
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PhixFlow automatically uses the appropriate driver class to communicate with its own database. driver classes driver class You can use the MariaDB driver class to connect to a MySQL database. Tip |
ClassDriver Class Save the files to the . You need permission to add system files to do this. set in the PhixFlow database, it will be listed in the System Configuration set: Insert excerpt |
_set_driver_dir | _set_driver_dir | nopanel | true |
In the PhixFlow application, for each type of database, create one Driver Class; see Adding or Changing a Driver Class, below.In the driver class properties → Driver Class File section, add all the JDBC driver files that the database requires; see Driver Classes and Driver Class File Properties, below.For each driver class file, specify the full path to the file, which is stored in the Driver Class File Directory, or a sub-directory of it.Adding or Changing a Driver Class Anchor |
_add | _add | To create a driver class, in class__class right- Driver Classes and select newnew class driver classes Driver Classes and Driver Class File Properties driver classes → Driver Class. custom driver classes class driver class class , Basic Settings Class the class this driver class tbc
Class class Class Class Class Class class multiple driver class Class class class class the driver class moves datasource to create a package that contains the model or application, and to add the driver class to it; see Package.You cannot move the .This is because they are installed on all PhixFlow instances.
driver classes Driver ClassesThe , driver classes new class preconfigured class driver classes