Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Insert excerpt


Version Control

PhixFlow provides application and package version control for applications, and any packages they use, using a Git repository. This allows the export and import of "snapshots", which are a specific version of an application or package application and any packages associated with that application from specific branches within a Git repository.

Version Control

Initial Setup

Local Properties File

Set where snapshots should be saved to.

  1. In the webapp directory on the PhixFlow Server update with a git directory path*:
    1. For example:



  2. Ensure the new empty directory is created
  3. Restart tomcat and start the PhixFlow instance for the git repository to be configured

*the git directory needs to be in a location accessible to PhixFlow, so that Tomcat is able to write to it.

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In your file, set the Git Default Path to the folder where snapshots should be saved to

In the webapp directory, update with a git directory path e.g., 'git.default.path=C://app//tomcat9//webapps//phixflow//git', and ensure the new empty directory is created. Restart tomcat and start the PhixFlow instance for the git repository to be configured.

  1. In the webapp directory on the PhixFlow Server update with a git directory path*:

For example


      1. 'git.default.path=C://app//tomcat//webapps//phixflow//git'


      1. 'git.default.path=opt//phixflow//data//git'
  1. Ensure the new empty directory is created.
  2. Restart tomcat and start the PhixFlow instance for the git repository to be configured.

*the git directory needs to be in a location accessible to the PhixFlow, so that Tomcat is able to write to it.

Privileges and Roles

In order to take and restore snapshots, users must either:

  • be an Administrator to get full access
  • or, be assigned the
    Insert excerpt
    , Git Configure, to get full access
  • or, be assigned the relevant
    Insert excerpt
    • Configure Git Repository
    • Create Snapshot for Git
    • Restore Snapshot from Git
    • View Git History

Creating an Application Snapshot

These are the steps to create a snapshot version of your application. For creating a snapshot of a package, the steps are similar and can be found by right-clicking on the package in the Repository.

  1. Right-click on an application (or package) in the Repository and select 
    Insert excerpt
  2. In the sub-menu, choose
    Insert excerpt

    1. On the Take Snapshot window, provide the following:
      1. Name: A useful name that identifies this version
      2. Description: A useful description that identifies this version
      3. Application: This is a read-only field containing the application's name
      4. Packages: This is a list of all packages used by the application
        1. These packages can be included in the snapshot by clicking the tick box
    2. Select Take Snapshot
  3. PhixFlow will take a snapshot export of your application and save it to your Git server folder, found in the PhixFlow webapps folder
    1. The folder that the snapshot is saved to is defined by the folder specified as part of the Initial Setup section above

Restoring from an Application Snapshot

  1. Right-click on an application (or package) in the Repository and select 
    Insert excerpt
  2. In the sub-menu, choose
    Insert excerpt
    1. Alternatively, on the 
      Insert excerpt
      menu, select 
      Insert excerpt
      , then choose either:
      1. Insert excerpt
        : lists all applications where a Git version has been previously created
      1. or,
        Insert excerpt
        : lists all packages where a Git version has been previously created
        Image Modified
    2. On the Restore from Snapshot window, select the version to be restored, and click Next
    3. Select any packages that also require restoring and click Restore

If multiple users try to take and restore snapshots at the same time, an error message will display to try again later.

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System Configuration

In order to store applications in a Git Repository, the a Git Repos Location must be set. A default value is populated for all new and upgraded systems. If your system has no value, follow the below steps to set this.

  1. In PhixFlow, from the
    Insert excerpt
     menu, open System → 
    Insert excerpt
  2. In the System Directories section, enter a value for Git Repos Location,e.g. ${export_loc}/../git/
  3. Insert excerpt
     your changes

Git Repositories 

  1. A new Git Repository Head object will be defined

    1. This will be visible in the full repository and is not owned by an application

    2. System administrators and people with appropriate Git permissions will be able to create/view/edit/delete them

    3. The following properties will be available

      1. Name (must be unique)

      2. Description

      3. Type - local or remote

      4. For remote repositories:

        1. Url

        2. Branch

        3. username

        4. Authentication type - password / key

        5. password

        6. key

      5. Status - read only

      6. Status message - read only


  1. The Git repository layout will be structured so that it facilitates manual code review and in as far as is sensible reflects the Phixflow Repository view

  2. The name of each export file will be <container_type>/<container_name>/<object_type>/<safe_name>-<UID>.xml

    1. container_type: Application or Package

    2. container_name: Name of the container - is guaranteed to be unique in the system

    3. object_type: Type of the object, as displayed on property editors/repository (not the class name)

    4. safe name: Object name, sanitized so that it is filename safe

    5. UID: object UID to ensure all filenames are unique.

  3. Handling of special characters such as '/' in container names should be tightened up to ensure generated names are safe

  4. The contents of the files will be compatible with the ImportFileService

  5. If an object has been deleted then it should be deleted from the repository

  6. If an object has been renamed then the original file should be deleted and the new file created

    1. Typically Git's rename detection will identify this as a rename

Creating a New Git Repository

  1. When a new local repo is first saved

    1. The directory ${gitrepo_loc}/${name} will be created

    2. It will be initialized as a new empty git repo with a single branch with a default name (configurable via properties, ‘main’)

    3. The branch will be checked out.

    4. The data will be persisted in the database  

    5. The status will be set to Synced

    6. Failure to create the directory/perform the local git operations should result in an error without the object being persisted.

  2. If a repo is renamed then

    1. The local directory will be renamed on disk

    2. The data will be persisted in the database

    3. Failure to rename the directory/perform the local git operations should result in an error without the object being persisted.

  3. It is not permitted to change the type of a local repository

  4. When a remote repo is first saved

    1. The directory ${gitrepo_loc}/${name} will be created

    2. It will be initialized as a new remote tracking repository 

      git init
    3. git remote add origin {remote-url}
    4. The data will be persisted to the database

    5. The status will be set to Pending

    6. Failure to create the directory/perform the local git operations should result in an error without the object being persisted.

  5. If any of the remote specific settings are change the status will be set to Pending

  6. If a repository is deleted the contents on disk should also be deleted

    1. A suitable warning message should be displayed before deleting a repository

      1. For local repositories this should stress it will permanently delete the files.

      2. For remote repositories it should be clear this will delete local files but will not modify the remote repository.

  7. A test button will be available next to the settings of remote repository

    1. This will trigger a synchronous operation to attempt to connect to the remote url with the given credentials

    2. A result message should be returned indicating the error or success.

  8. A sync operation will be available next to the status, this operation will also be triggered before an export or import.

    1. On local repositories this will revert any local changes to the git repo

      git checkout -f -B <branch>
    2. On a remote repository this will

      1. Connect to the remote repository and fetch

      2. Reset the specified branch replacing any local changes

        git fetch origin git checkout -f -B <branch>

    3. Status should be updated to synced with an appropriate message if it succeeds

    4. On failure an error should be shown indicating the cause and the status and message updated.

Configuration Export

  1. For users with appropriate permissions the configuration export screen will give the option whether to export to file or to Git.

  2. Exporting to Git will allow selection of a configured Git Repo

  3. The system will ensure only a lock is taken so only a single process can be exporting/importing from the Git repository at a time.

  4. Before export starts a sync will be performed and any errors reported.

  5. The exported directory structure must be in a form that is understandable to users manually looking at the Git change log or history.

  6. The author of the commit will be generated in the form “FirstName LastName <email>” of the active user

  7. The description will be used as the base commit message

  8. The export process will write (and deleted) files with the appropriate names and contents to the local git repository

  9. For remote repositories a push will be performed to update the remote repository with the changed files.

  10. Full and partial exports will be supported as with current file behaviour

  11. The export task log will include the Git target url, branch and commit hashes of the export.

Configuration Import

  1. For users with appropriate permissions the import export screen will give the option whether to import a file or from Git.

  2. Importing from Git will allow selection of a configured Git Repo

  3. The system will ensure only a lock is taken so only a single process can be exporting/importing from the Git repository at a time.

  4. Import from Git will always use the full contents of the remote branch for the import

    1. Protect on import settings will be honoured.

  5. A sync operation will be used before the import

  6. The contents of the local git repo will be loaded and used for the import operation.

    1. It is an error if the branch does not exist or if the branch does not contain a valid export

  7. The import task log will include the Git target url, branch and commit hashes of the import.


  1. In phase 1 Git repositories should only be usable by administrators, users must also have the relevant import/export permissions

  2. In later phases separate permissions should exist to create new Git Repositories, and User group base security determining who can update/delete the configuration, import from (read) or export to (write) each Git repository. In addition standard import/export permissions are required.

    1. By default repositories should be private, owned by the creator.

  3. Repository passwords and private keys should be handled as local secrets