The table below is a comprehensive list of all Internal Variables and their meaning but as mentioned above, not all of these are available on all Expressions. Please refer to the individual form help pages for details of the Internal Variables available on each Expression. They are listed in alphabetical order.
_action is available on any Expression within stream action objects and gives the name of the Action.
Within Expressions evaluated for CalculateBySet stream and aggregate stream, it is possible to set up Cached Attributes which can be used to store and retrieve cached data while processing a Candidate Set. To refer to a cached attribute value, e.g. the sum of invoice values so far while processing a Candidate Set, use an expression like _cache.invoiceTot + _current.invoiceValue
See also Understanding Streams and Stream properties.
This variable is available when using an in-memory stream and contains the record matching the key attributes.
When using the attribute function cache _cacheValue contains the value retrieved from the cache associated with the key value supplied. This variable is only available within the function evaluation; that is, the value retrieved is only available in the list of expressions used in the call to the function cache.
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
_count provides the number of Stream Items in the current Candidate Set. _count is used on CalculateBySet and Aggregate Streams.
If you want to know how many items have been returned by a Lookup Pipe or the number of items returned by a specific Pipe for the current Candidate Set then use the countElements() function.
_current is only available when a Stream is configured to carry out Calculate by Set processing.
_current refers to the current input Stream Item being processed within the Candidate Set.
Note: If you attempt to refer to the Stream Item using the name of the Pipe e.g. in.accountNum that Expression would return an Array of all the values of accountNum in the current Candidate Set for Pipe in. Instead of using in.accountNum you should use _current.accountNum to return the current input.
_current is most often used in Stream Attribute Expressions but is also used in objects connected to Streams e.g. Pipes, Database Collectors and File Collectors.
You can also use _current in expressions for the CSS Properties of grid rows.
Used as a prefix to reference the values that are being dragged within a Stream Action using the notation _dragSource.<AttributeName>.
See Also Drag Types and Drop Targets and Stream Action Form.
Layout components configured with dragType can be dragged onto a layout component that is:
- backed by a stream
- configured with a dropTarget action.
For more information, see Drag Types and Drop Targets.
Use this variable for the dropTarget action to provide co-ordinate values:
- _dropPosition.left - the number of pixels from the left hand edge of the dropTarget
- _dropPosition.top - gives the number of pixels from the top of the drop target.
When _dropPosition is used for a:
- card container: the _dropPosition is relative to the top-left of the area within which cards are displayed, excluding the header for the card container.
- area component: the _dropPosition is relative to the the top-left co-ordinates of the component on which it was dropped. Position is given as the top-left co-ordinates.
Used as a prefix to reference the values that are having data dropped onto them within a Stream Action using the notation _dropTarget.<AttributeName>.
See Also Drag Types and Drop Targets and Stream Action Form.
_error contains the details of one or more error messages, and may be used in various contexts.
_error values are:
- The text of the message.sequence
- The sequence number of the message within the log file.datetime
- The date and time that the message was generated.type
- The type of the message; one of 'ERROR', 'WARNING' or 'INFO'.
_errors contains the number of error messages generated during the running of a Task Plan.
This variable can be used in the Task Plan user notification rules to specify for example that an email should only be sent if there are more than a certain number of error messages.
This variable can also be used in the subject line and email body expressions.
_field contains properties of a single field or attribute, and is set in contexts where stream actions, fields or attributes are processed one at a time. For example, use _field in:
- stream attribute expressions
- stream view attribute label expressions
- formatting rule expressions.
In stream actions that are double-click or in-cell actions, use _field to access the name and label of a column or to refer to the value in the cell.
Use _field to access the name and value of an input field for layout components that are:
- either input fields
- or field containers that have an input field.
Value | Description |
name | The name of the field. This field is set in all contexts in which _field is defined. |
value | The value of the field. This field is not set in all contexts. See individual form help pages for details. |
labels | The list of header labels associated with the field. This field is not set in all contexts. See individual form help pages for details. |
_fieldName can be used within Stream Attribute Expressions. It represents currently processed stream attribute.
_fieldName contains the name of the field (stream attribute name) whose expression is currently being evaluated. This can be helpful for debug messages or user generated error messages.
_file contains the details of one or more files that have been processed.
The file details are:
Value | Description |
name | The name of the file, excluding the directory. |
directory | The directory containing the file. |
type | The type of the file; one of 'INPUT' (Imported), 'OUTPUT' (Exported). |
_fileCount contains the number of files processed during the running of a Task Plan.
This variable can be used in the Stream Action result message.
_fileName can be used within Stream Attribute Expressions in cases where the Stream has data coming from a File Collector.
_fileName contains the name of the file that provided the current input Stream Item.
_fileName must be prefixed with the name of the Pipe linking the File Collector to the Stream e.g. in._fileName.
_filePathList is set to a list of the files that were received as attachments to the same email as that of the attachment currently being processed.
The full path of each file is shown. Individual file paths are separated by semi-colons (;).
This variable is only populated when reading from a File Collector with the Source Type set to Managed File
Contains a list of names of files that have been uploaded by the Stream Action.
Available when a user is entering values in a form - a type of stream view. Current form view values can be referred in Selection Views by using the _form variable (e.g. in background filters). Can be also referred in Stream Actions.
_fromAddr is set to the email address from which this email was sent.
This variable is only populated when reading from a File Collector with the Source Type set to Managed File
Refers to the start date and time of the Stream Set currently being referenced / calculated. For Periodic Streams the time element will be zero (i.e. midnight at the start of the day).
_fromDate is most often used in the SQL field of Database Collectors to restrict the query to return data based on the dates being processed. It is also used in the Name field of File Collectors, File Exporters etc. to generate date specific names.
_importedDate is set to the date and time that the file was received by or uploaded to PhixFlow
It is only populated when reading from a File Collector with the Source Type set to Managed File
An Input Multiplier Array can be generated by entering an Expression into the Input Multiplier field for a Stream. This causes the Stream to repeat its entire processing cycle for each entry in the Input Multiplier Array to create a single Stream Set. During this processing, _inputMultiplier refers to the element in the Input Multiplier Array that has initiated the current processing cycle.
_inputMultiplier is most often used in Stream Attribute Expressions but is also used in objects connected to Streams especially the SQL field on a Database Collector.
This provides the position of the current Stream Item within the Candidate Set being processed.
_itemNumber is used within Expressions on Calculate by Set Streams and is especially useful for de-duplicating data.
When dragging a card on a kanban card container, _kanban contains information about the target card.
Value | Description |
value | The value of the kanban attribute in the target kanban column. |
attribute | The kanban attribute name of the card container. |
headingValue | The value of the kanban heading attribute in the kanban column. |
headingAttribute | The kanban heading attribute name of the card container. |
_key is made available on Merge, Calculate by Set and Aggregating Streams. _key is an Array of the values of the current Group By Attributes which were used to construct the Candidate Set. E.g if the Group By Attributes were AccountNum and InvoiceNum then _key[1] would refer to the AccountNum and _key[2] to the InvoiceNum for the current Candidate Set.
_key is most often used in Stream Attribute Expressions.
_keyList is made available in Collector statements when a Collector is connected using a Directed Pipe as an input into a Merge or Aggregating Stream. _keyList is an Array of the first elements of many Group-By Attribute values which are being used to construct the Candidate Set.
E.g if the Group By Attribute was AccountNum, then _keyList would be set to an array of account numbers: ['ac1','ac2','ac3'] - the number of elements in the array is variable, up to the workerSize specified on the pipe from the collector to the Merge/Aggregating Stream.
The _keyList would then be used in the Collector statement, e.g.
select * from a_table
where a_field in ({_keyList})
order by a_field
_lineNumber can be used within Stream Attribute Expressions in cases where the Stream has data coming from a File Collector.
_lineNumber contains the position of the current input Stream Item within the file.
The _lineNumber attribute is not available for File Collectors of Type File Details Only
_lineNumber must be prefixed with the name of the Pipe linking the File Collector to the Stream e.g. in._lineNumber.
_messages contains the total number of messages generated during the running of a Task Plan.
This variable can be used in the Task Plan user notification rules.
This variable can also be used in the subject line and email body expressions.
_modifiedDate can be used within Stream Attribute Expressions in cases where the Stream has data coming from a File Collector.
_modifiedDate contains the datetime of when the file that provided the current input Stream Item was last modified.
The last modified time of a single file residing within a .gz or a .tgz container can not be determined by phixflow, instead the datetime of when the corresponding gz/tgz container was created will be returned.
_modifiedDate must be prefixed with the name of the Pipe linking the File Collector to the Stream e.g. in._modifiedDate.
Refers to the Stream Item currently being created. E.g. to use the value of a Stream Attribute "account" that has already been calculated, use _out.account.
Note that you should ensure that the Stream Attribute will have been evaluated before it is referred to.
_out is most often used in Stream Attribute Expressions but is also used in objects connected to Streams e.g. Pipes, Database Collectors and File Collectors.
An Output Multiplier Array can be generated by entering an Expression into the Output Multiplier field for a Stream. The Output Multiplier is calculated at the start of each Candidate Set and causes the Stream to repeat its output Stream Item generation processing step for each entry in the Output Multiplier Array.
Note that unlike the 9615724239 which repeats the entire Stream processing for each Array entry (e.g. refetching data from Input Pipes) the Output Multiplier just repeats the final output Stream Item calculation. During this processing, _outputMultiplier refers to the element in the Output Multiplier Array that is being used for the current output Stream Item.
Currently this internal variable can only be used in Stream Action Validation Expressions. It refers to the prompted action attribute values that are manually entered by the user when an action is executed.
%PASSWORD% is an internal variable designed to enable a collector (or exporter) to pass a stored value to an external location - in this instance the Password which is stored with the httpDatasourceInstance.
_path can be used within Stream Attribute Expressions in cases where the Stream has data coming from a File Collector.
_path contains the full path of the file that provided the current input Stream Item.
_path must be prefixed with the name of the Pipe linking the File Collector to the Stream e.g. in._path.
_pipeItemNumber is available on Calculate by Set Streams and is useful when the Stream has two or more Input Pipes.
_pipeItemNumber is similar to 9615724239 but returns the position of the current input Stream Item within the Pipe being processed.
_pipeName contains the name of the current pipe when processing Input Stream Items for Calculate by Set and Calculate Streams. Note that this is useful since these Stream functions process their Input Pipes sequentially and it may be necessary to know which Pipe is being processed (e.g. because their Stream Attributes have different names).
Used within Filters with notation _prompt.LABELNAME to indicate that a value will be prompted for in a user popup window. The popup window will display the LABELNAME for which the corresponding value must be entered before the filter is fully evaluated. Note that the LABELNAME must contain all English alphanumeric characters or underscore and must begin with an alpha character.
Note that each popup field will only accept a single string literal. Hence the other available phixflow functions must be used within the filter expression itself to correctly evaluate the user input to other datatypes/arrays i.e toNumber(_prompt.USERINPUTNUMBER) or split(_prompt.USERINPUTARRAY,",")
It is only used within the context of filters.
_response contains the response (success or failure) returned from an HTTP Export.
It is only populated in this context.
_rootDirectory can be used within Stream Attribute Expressions in cases where the Stream has data coming from a File Collector.
_rootDirectory contains the root base directory (if specified) of the file that provided the current input Stream Item concatenated with the value evaluated in the Collector's 'Input Directory Expr' field.
_rootDirectory must be prefixed with the name of the Pipe linking the File Collector to the Stream e.g. in._rootDirectory.
_runId contains a unique identifier of an individual stream set