When you are working in The
design_mode_design_moderepository | | _repository |
nopanel | true |
contains your Insert excerpt |
| _application |
| _application |
nopanel | true |
, for any task PhixFlow provides options to list of the relevant items that you can use. If you want to find items at other times, you will find them listed in the repository and all of its items, Insert excerpt |
| _packages |
| _packages |
nopanel | true |
, the Full Repository and Unallocated items. The repository is shown by default as a tab in the right panel.
Image Added
- To show/hide all tabs in the right panel, click the
Insert excerpt |
| _right_slider |
| _right_slider |
nopanel | true |
. - To show/hide the context help panel only, click the tab.
- To close the repository pane, click X in the tab.
- To reopen the repository pane, in the PhixFlow toolbar at in top right, click
Insert excerpt |
| _repository |
| _repository |
nopanel | true |
Items in the Repository
Items are grouped into branches which you can
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| _expand |
| _expand |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| _collapse |
| _collapse |
nopanel | true |
- Applications: This branch lists PhixFlow applications. Expand an application to see the items contained in it.
- Packages: Items in a package can be shared by different applications.
- Full Repository: This branch lists all items, grouped by type, from any application or package.
- Unallocated: This branch lists the items that are not included in any application or package.
- System Configuration: Opens a properties pane in which administrators can set defaults for the whole PhixFlow system.
- System Logging: Opens a properties pane where administrators can set defaults for logging system data.
When you are looking for items in the repository, it is important to check whether you are looking in an Application branch or in the Full Repository. In both branches, items are grouped by type under a collection header, in alphanumeric order. By default, items in packages are not grouped by type. To group items in a package, right-click on the package name and select Show the Collection Headers.
When any branches of the repository are open, you can quickly collapse them all. In the repository toolbar, click Insert excerpt_collapse_all_collapse_allnopaneltrue.When you are editing the properties for some items, you can open a repository tab containing a filtered list of items. You can then drag selected items from the repository into the properties. For example, this makes it easy to add a task plan to an action.
If you hover your mouse pointer over an item in the repository, PhixFlow displays a tooltip for it, if one is available. The tooltip comes from the item's Description property. We recommend you add a description for any item you create; see Common Properties.
Selecting Items and Opening Properties
To select a group of items, use Shift+click. To select several items individually, use Ctrl+click.
Double-click on an item in the repository to open its properties pane where you can configure options for it.
In addition to having properties, you can open some items in the workspace on the leftto view and manage them. These are:
- Entity relationship diagramsRelationship Diagrams, where where you create tables and relationships; see Understanding ERDs.relationships
- Workflows, where you define tasks and processes for applications and their users; see todo - link
- Screens, which are made up of different components, including data, form fields, cards, and menus; see Designing Screens.
- Actionflows, where you wire up functionality so that application users can interact with screens and data; see Understanding Actionflows.
- Analysis modelsModels, where you configure the flow and transformation of data; see Analysis Models for Batch Processing Data.
- Screens, which made up of different components, including data, form fields, cards, and menus; see Designing Screens.
There are many windows that pop up in the workspace. For example , for example, when you are creating views of data to display on a screen, PhixFlow opens the Available Attributes Window; see Understanding Displaying Data (Views).
To display these items in the workspace on the left, select Display:
- Either from the repository
- rightRight-click an item's name to show the popup menu and select Display:
- Or from the toolbar on the properties pane, click the Display option.
You may need to click
Insert excerpt |
| _more_options |
| _more_options |
nopanel | true |
to see the this option.