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This page explains how to open a screen or create a new one, as well as how to add components to a screen.

Open an Existing Screen

Click the Design menu item from the top menu

Insert excerpt

To create or edit a screen, load your application then in the header bar, click 

Insert excerpt
. PhixFlow opens the screens window.


Opening an Existing Screen

  1. To open an existing screen:
    • either, in the header bar, click
      Insert excerpt
    •  and in the list, click on the screen name you want to open
    • or in the repository, expand your application's Screens section and double-click a screen name.
    • Alternatively, right-click the
desired Screen to open it
    • name and select Display.
  1. PhixFlow opens
the Screen on the left.Right
  1. the screen in the canvas with the screen locked.
  2. To unlock the screen for editing, right-click anywhere on the
  1. screen to open the
  1. popup menu and select 
    Insert excerpt
  1. _unlock
  1. _unlock
  2. PhixFlow displays the toolbar for the screen
indicating it is ready to edit
  1. so that you can begin to make changes.
  2. Click 
    Insert excerpt
     to display the palette on the right
and you can begin editing
  1. . Drag components from the palette into the screen.

Unlocking and Locking a



Click the Design menu from the top menu

for Editing

When you first open an existing screen in

Insert excerpt

screen_screennopaneltrue or in the repository, expand your application's Screens section.Click  Insert excerpt_add_add


 PhixFlow opens the properties for a new Screen.  
  • Enter a Name for the screen.
  • Specify the setup for the screen such as should the screen open maximised or as a floating pop-up.
  • Here are some example setups: 
    • Pop-up screen: 
      • tick Always on top
      • tick Allow user to resize
      • Set Position to Floating and if desired set the position setting such as the size and location of where the screen should open. 
    • Full-screen properties
      • tick Open Maximised
      • untick Always On Top
      • if you intend to make your own navigation or screen controls, untick Show Window Button Bar.
      • optionally, untick Allow user to resize
  • (Recommended) Scroll down to the Description section and add a useful description.
  • In the properties toolbar, click Insert excerpt_finish_finish

    The Screen Canvas and Options

    PhixFlow has several areas of the screen with features to help you.

    Image Removed

    • The central area is the canvas where you design your screen.
    • Along the top of the canvas is the toolbar
    • On the left is the layers panel, which shows how the components are nested; see Screen Design and Layers, below.
    • On the right is the palette. Drag components from the palette onto the canvas. 
    • Above the toolbar, you can find quick access to lists of:
      • other palettes
      • component categories
      • templates: components that can be added to a palette
      • styles
      • menus
      • images.

    Unlock a Screen Canvas

    To prevent accidental editing of a screen, PhixFlow opens an existing screen with the canvas locked:

    when you first open an existing screen in 

    it is locked so that you do not accidentally move any of the components. There is no canvas toolbar visible. To edit the screen, you must unlock it. Right-click on the canvas and select

    Insert excerpt

  • PhixFlow opens a new, unlocked, Screen canvas on the left.
  • In the toolbar (or in the pop-up menu), click  Insert excerpt_palette_palettenopaneltrue to display the palette on the right.
  • To add components to the screen, drag them into the canvas from the palette.
  • An unlocked screen has all the toolbar and pop-up menu options that you need to move components and edit their properties. If you click on a component, such as a button, PhixFlow opens its properties.

    Creating a New Screen

    1. To create a new screen:
      • either, in the header bar, click 
        Insert excerpt
      • screen
      • screen
    when you switch between 
      • .
        PhixFlow displays the list of available screens with an 
        Insert excerpt
      • add_
      • screen
      • add_
      • screen
      •  button on the left.
      • or in the repository, expand your application's Screens section, which includes an 
        Insert excerpt
      • addIcon
      • addIcon
    To unlock the canvas, right-click on the canvas and select
    1. Click 
      Insert excerpt
    1. addIcon
    1. addIcon

    Using the Palette

    The way a screen is made up of layered components is reflected in the way components are grouped in the palette. At the top level are the pre-built items, such as:

    • Complete Screens- drag in a single tile that has all the components to create a full screen. 
    • Form Elements - drag in several components or tiles to design your own screen. These have layers of components, such as an area with headers, fields and labels. 

    If you want more control over the design of your screen, use partially prepared components:

    • Tile containers - drag these in to be the containers. Containers create distinct areas on the screen, with padding and margins so that child items can be automatically positioned.
    • Tiles - drag in composite components called tiles. 

    If you want to go right back to the basic screen components and fields, use the last 2 palettes.

    • Base Components - build up the different things you want on the screen from the base up.
    • Data Components - add components designed to display data.

    Creating Forms Easily

    If your screen is going to be a form to display individual data records for a user to edit, it's easier to start with the data rather than creating lots of individual fields. The page see Showing Data on a Screen explains how to:

    1. Select the attributes you want to appear in a form. 
    2. Drag the attributes onto the parent container.
    3. Let PhixFlow create default form fields in which to display data records.

    If you have already created form fields fields, they are displayed with a broken link icon. Drag on attributes to bind them to the field.

    For your selected template, PhixFlow displays a palette. This has all the components you need to build a screen.


    The easiest way to move components around is in the layers panel, rather than in the screen itself. This means you can be specific about how the component relates to other components on the screen.  In the layers panel you can drag a component:

    • into another component, creating a parent-child relationship 
    • next to another component, creating a sibling relationship.

    If you are using PhixFlow's palette, most components will resize into the space that is available to them; see Using Size and Position for Responsive Design.

    Image RemovedImage Removed

    Screen Design and Layers : AnchorlayerlayerA typical screen has a nested structure, in which the main areas are the parents for other components. This structure, combined with appropriate styling, can create a responsive design that can adapt to both desktop and mobile devices. The nested structure is illustrated below:
    Image Removed
    Another way to show these layers is as a heirarchy. For example:
    Controls area
    Menu 1
    Menu 2
    Main area
    Tile container area
    Tile Body
    Area 1
    Area 2
    Button Bar
    Footer area
    Button 1
    Button 2
    To show the parent/child hierarchy for a screen, click  Insert excerpt_layer_slider_layer_slidernopaneltrue. There is an example on the right.

    You can

    • Select something on your screen to see it/them highlighted in the layers list.
      • Selected items outlined in blue
      • Parent item outlined in orange.
    • In the layers panel, drag components around to change their position on the screen. 
    See Also

    Image Removed

    Where Can I Drop This?

    Whenever you start to drag a component from the palette, or an attribute, PhixFlow highlights the area onto which you can drop something using light blue, as shown below.

    Image Removed

    Testing Screens

    To test an application screen, click  Insert excerpt_app_mode_app_modenopaneltrue to interact with the screen as if you are an application user. HTML Comment

    Features to be implemented:

    Select an Existing Screen

    1. From the application Home window, select Design Screens.

    2. Select one of the listed screens.

    PhixFlow opens the screen canvas on the left and the palette on the right.

    Insert excerpt_home_screen_home_screennopaneltrue

    Create a New Screen

    If you have defined your data in an ERD, you can create a screen and its components based on that data; see Create a Screen From ERD Data. To create the screen first:

    Click  Insert excerpt_new_newnopaneltrue Create New to create a new screen.
  • Select a screen template. This will give you pre-set layouts such as: 
    • desktop or mobile dimensions
    • full screen or pop-up
    • a data grid or form.
  • PhixFlow prompts you to:
    • Enter the name and description for the screen.
    • Select whether or not the screen will Open Maximised.
      When you select this option, the screen will open "full screen" for the application user.
      Otherwise, PhixFlow assumes the screen will be a pop-up window. It automatically selects the following options: 
      • Always on top
      • Allow user to resize
  • Click Confirm.
  • PhixFlow opens a new screen canvas on the left and the palette on the right.
  • To add components to the screen, drag them into the canvas from the palette.

    The Screen Canvas and Options

    PhixFlow has several areas of the screen with features to help you. -Screenshot-

    • The central area is the canvas where you design your screen.
    • Along the top of the canvas is the toolbar
    • On the left is the layers panel, which shows how the components are nested; see Us L8213987396, below.
    • On the right is the palette. Drag components from the palette onto the canvas. 
    • Above the toolbar, you can find quick access to lists of:
      • other palettes
      • component categories
      • templates: components that can be added to a palette
      • styles
      • menus
      • images.

    Unlock a Screen Canvas

    To prevent accidental editing of a screen, PhixFlow opens an existing screen with the canvas locked:

    when you first open an existing screen
    1.  PhixFlow opens a window with basic options for your screen. These options are saved in the screen properties.
      • Enter a Name for the screen.
      • By default, the screen opens maximised in the PhixFlow window.
        Untick Open Maximised if you want a popup window.
      • Select one of the screen layout templates. To design your own, screen, select the empty layout.
    2. PhixFlow opens the new screen with the selected layout template and prompts for the details of the table that will be used to populate the screens data.
      1. The screen is unlocked and the palette is open in the right panel.

    More Screen Properties

    There are additional screen properties that affect how the screen behaves. In the toolbar, click 

    Insert excerpt
     to open the Screen properties in the right panel. Here are some example screen setups. 

    For a popup screen, for example for data entry:

    • in 
      Insert excerpt
       → Basic Settings:
      • tick Always On Top
      • tick Allow Manual Resizing
    • in
      Insert excerpt
       → Style Settings
      • set Position to Floating
      • PhixFlow has defaults for the size and position of a screen. To change these defaults, set:
        • the size of the window using Width and Height
        • the position of the window, using Top, Left, Right and Bottom.

    For a maximised screen, for example to display data:

    • in 
      Insert excerpt
       → Basic Settings:
      • tick Open Maximised
      • untick Always On Top
    • if you intend to make your own navigation or screen controls, untick Show Window Button Bar
    • optionally, untick Allow user to resize.

    Creating a Menu

    To create a menu for you application that is always present  

    1. To create a menu in the header bar, click 
      Insert excerpt
      PhixFlow displays the list of available screens.
    2. Click the 
      Insert excerpt
       button on the left.
    3. Enter a Name for the menu.
    4. Select one of the menu layout options.
    5. PhixFlow creates a new menu with the selected layout and will open the menu when your application starts.
    • A quick way to create menu options is to drag a screen from the repository directly onto a menu to create a button and actionflow that will open that screen.
    • On the screens home page right-click on the 

    Testing Screens

    When you are creating and editing screens that make up an application, you are working in

    Insert excerpt

    PhixFlow runs applications in 

    Insert excerpt
    , with only essential PhixFlow options displayed in the header bar. All other PhixFlow options are hidden. Instead the application user interacts with the screens and menus you have created.

    To switch modes, click the icon in the right of the header bar.

    When you have configured part of a screen, you may want to test how it behaves for an application user. For example, you may want to click a button and run its action, or have a URL component display its content. To do this:

    • either, in 
      Insert excerpt
    when you switch between 
    • , in the screen toolbar, click on 
      Insert excerpt
    • lock
    • lock
    • .
    • or, in the header bar on the right, click
      Insert excerpt
    .To unlock the canvas, right-click on the canvas and select
    •  to run your application as an application user.

    Deleting Screens

    Screen can be deleted from the Screens homepage or the 

    Insert excerpt
     by right-clicking and choosing 
    Insert excerpt



    Image Added

    Deleting a screen containing an area only used by that screen also deletes the area.


    Insert excerpt
     are unaffected.