Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.










































































































































Use the stream attributes properties Use the attributes properties tab to specify the characteristics of the the the  data in a table column.  This setting is not available from the repository browser. It opens from:  You can open attribute properties from:

  • the repository. Attributes are listed under their stream
  • the Stream properties → Attributes table
  • other attribute lists. 


Insert excerpt

Basic Settings


Enter the name of the attribute.


PhixFlow recognises the

name of the attribute

attribute name UID as a unique identifier for a record. As records are added, PhixFlow automatically increments the UID value.


Select the attribute type for the data.

  • String
for text strings 
  • Bigstring for text
  • Integer for text
  • Float for text
  • Decimal for text
  • Date for text
  • Datetime for text
  • Graphic for text
  • TrueFalse for text
    • Bigstring
    • Integer
    • Float
    • Decimal
    • Date
    • Datetime
    • Graphic
    • TrueFalse


    This field is available when Type is String.

     Enter the maximum number of characters allowed in text data. For unlimited text strings

    By default strings are 50 characters long. Optionally specify a different string length of between 1 and 4000.

    For strings longer than 4000 characters, set a Type of Bigstring


    This field is available when Type is Integer. Enter the maximum number of digits allowed in whole numbers. By default, integers are 10 digits long. Optionally specify a different integer precision of between 1 digit and 38 digits.

    Significant FiguresThis field is available when Type is Decimal. Enter the maximum number of total digits for
    decimal numbers. For example, to
    decimal numbers.  By default decimals have 10 significant figures.


    To specify numbers must have two digits before and after the decimal point, such as 12.34, enter:

    Significant Figures  4

    Decimal Places  2

    Decimal Places

    This field is available when Type is Decimal. Enter the maximum number of digits allowed after the decimal point. By default, decimals have 2 decimal places.

    This must be less than the number of significant figures.

    In most cases leave this option 


    Insert excerpt
     to keep both stream data and any result of using it in a calculation. 

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     for an attribute that

     if you need to

    use in

    use the attribute in a stream calculation, but you do not need to keep the result.


    The order of the attributes in the stream. Stream attribute expressions are evaluated in this order. 

    This is important when you need to use the results of a calculation in another attribute:

    • either in its expression
    • or in a $ variable
    • .

    In the attribute list, the attribute that calculates the result must come before the attribute that requires the result.

    ExpressionThe expression used to generate the attribute value. This is written as a PhixFlow Expression. It must evaluate to a single value, of the type specified in the
    Type field.


    Type field.


    Filter conditions are
    case-independent by default

    Insert excerpt
     to prevent this attribute being indexed in the PhixFlow database.

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     to index this attribute in the underlying PhixFlow database.

    To improve performance, index an attribute when the stream has a large data set and an output pipe from the stream uses this attribute to:

    • filter the stream data
    • sort or group the stream data.
    Filter conditions are
    case-independent by default

    Insert excerpt
     to use filters that are case-sensitive.

    Insert excerpt
     to set new filter conditions on this attribute to be case-insensitive by default. The filter window → Ignore Case check box inherits this setting; see Filters on Data Views. For case-insensitive filters, there is no difference if the attribute is also indexed. 

    This option affects the behaviour of filters for PhixFlow instances running on Oracle or MariaDB (MySQL) databases.
    For PhixFlow instances running on a SQL Server database, filters are always case-independent.


    Insert excerpt
     for in-memory streams, to specify that this field will be used as is not a key value. 

    Cache Key

    Enter an expression to be evaluated for each stream item (data record) in the stream. The expression can

    • either use the value of this attribute
    •  or calculate a different value

    Once calculated, the cache key value persists throughout subsequent stream calculation, rather than being created from scratch for each stream item as normal. This allows you to keep track of the calculation as it progresses.

    This means you can use a "persistent" attribute value in other expressions. 


    Access Permissions


    to do


    If you load data without specifying a type what happens?

    Does PhixFlow make a best guess at what the type is and if it's not sure, assumes string??

    All stream attributes have a type. The default is String. 

    What if you want to change a format - e.g set a decimal or date format?

    Once the stream has data the attribute type can only be changed if the database allows the change. This is database dependent and you will see an error if your change is not allowed. If the stream has no data then any change in attribute type is possible.

    Which fields can have "null"?


    Apply a string type to sequences of characters (i.e., letters, numerals, symbols and punctuation marks). By default string attribute types have a fixed length of 50. The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 4000.

    do we need to tell users about any information-loss if data that is naturally a different type gets loaded as a string?


    Apply a bigstring type to text strings over 4000 characters long. Bigstring is a different data type to string and has some restrictions on filtering, sorting and aggregation.

    For PhixFlow instances that use an Oracle database, bigstrings cannot be sorted or aggregated. On Oracle bigstrings may only be filtered with the conditions:

    • (not) contains
    • is (not) null
    • (not) starts with
    • (not) ends with.

    The maximum bigstring size can be configured in System Configuration → System Tuning → Maximum Bigstring Size.


    Apply an integer type to whole numbers (not a fractions or decimals) that can be positive, negative, or zero. 

    What happens if you attempt to load a float or decimal number into an integer attribute? If you store a number with decimal places as an integer it will be truncated.

    Integer has a precision which is the maximum number of digits. The default is 10. The minimum is 1 and maximum is 38.


    Apply a float type to non-integer numbers with an undefined level of precision.


    Apply a decimal type to non-integer numbers with a set level of precision. Decimals have a specific number of:

    • significant figures: the total number of digits stored, 
    • decimal places: the number of digits after the decimal place.

    The maximum number of integer digits is therefore the significant figure minus the decimal places. By default, decimals have 10 significant figures and 2 decimal places, and therefore 8 integer digits.

    If the number of integer digits present in a decimal field exceeds the specified format, running analysis will fail and PhixFlow will report an error.

    If the number of decimal digits present in a decimal field exceeds the specified format, PhixFlow will round to the required precision. For example, if a data record includes the number 12.3456, but the decimal type can have 4 significant figures and 2 decimal places, PhixFlow records 12.35.


    Ensure your decimal type has the number of decimal places you need for your data. Once the data is loaded into PhixFlow, you will not be able to recover excess decimal places.


    Apply a date type to representations of a calendar day.

    Are there any specific formats to say are recognised/not recognised?

    What about word formats e.g. Tuesday the fourteenth of February? Words are not recognised except three letter month abbreviations eg 14 Feb 2019 is accepted.

    "dd MM yy",
    "MM dd yy",
    "MM d yy",

    "dd MMM yy",
    "MMM dd yy",
    "MMM d yy"

    "dd MM yyyy",
    "MM dd yyyy",
    "MM d yyyy"

    "dd MMM yyyy",
    "MMM dd yyyy",
    "MMM d yyyy"


    Apply a datetime type to representations of a day and time.

    Are there any specific formats to say are recognised/not recognised?

    datetime must be day and time, can't be just a time.

    Same formats as for date but with HH:mm:ss on the end.


    "dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss",
    "dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss",
    "dd MM yy HH:mm:ss",
    "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss",
    "MM-dd-yy HH:mm:ss",
    "MM dd yy HH:mm:ss",
    "MM d yy HH:mm:ss"

    "dd/MMM/yy HH:mm:ss",
    "dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss",
    "dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss",
    "MMM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss",
    "MMM-dd-yy HH:mm:ss",
    "MMM dd yy HH:mm:ss",
    "MMM d yy HH:mm:ss"

    "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "MM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "MM d yyyy HH:mm:ss"

    "dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "MMM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "MMM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss",
    "MMM d yyyy HH:mm:ss"


    Is this still available?


    Apply a TrueFalse type to fields that can have the values true or false.

    What happens if the field is empty? Or has something other than True/False?


    Insert excerpt
     for in-memory streams, to specify that this field will be used as a key value. 

    Translate Values 

    Insert excerpt
     to ignore this attribute when translating text in PhixFlow (the default).

    Insert excerpt
     to include this attribute when translating text that appears in PhixFlow. To be translated, the attribute text must be included in a translation table; see Translating an Application Interface and Translation Table.

    Cache Key

    Enter an expression to be evaluated for each stream item (data record) in the stream. The expression can:

    • either use the value of this attribute
    •  or calculate a different value

    Once calculated, the cache key value persists throughout subsequent stream calculation, rather than being created from scratch for each stream item as normal. This allows you to keep track of the calculation as it progresses.

    This means you can use a "persistent" attribute value in other expressions. 

    Access Permissions

    For details about how to control access to a stream attribute, see Common Properties → Access Permissions.

    Attribute Types

    All stream attributes have a data type. When loading data from a source, such as a file or database, PhixFlow applies the data type from the source. If there is no data type specified, PhixFlow applies the default type of string.

    You can change the type of a stream attribute before the data has been loaded into the stream.

    Once the stream contains data, you may be able to change the data type, depending on the database on which PhixFlow runs. PhixFlow reports an error if you are not permitted to change the data type. In this case you can rollback all stream sets so that the stream no longer contains data; see Rollback.


    Apply a string type to sequences of characters, such as letters, numerals, symbols and punctuation marks. By default string attribute types have a default length of 50. Specify a different string length in Basic Settings → Length.


    Apply a bigstring type to text strings over 4000 characters long. Bigstring is a different data type to string. For PhixFlow instances that use an Oracle database, bigstrings:

    • cannot be sorted or aggregated
    • can only be filtered with the conditions:
      • (not) contains
      • is (not) null
      • (not) starts with
      • (not) ends with.

    The PhixFlow administrator can configure the length of a bigstring using System Configuration → System Tuning → Maximum Bigstring Size.


    Apply an integer type to whole numbers (not a fractions or decimals) that can be positive, negative, or zero. By default integers have a precision of 10 digits. Specify a different integer length in the Basic Settings → Precision.

     If you store a number with decimal places as an integer it will be truncated.


    Apply a float type to non-integer numbers with an undefined level of precision.


    Apply a decimal type to non-integer numbers with a set level of precision. Decimals have a specific number of:

    • significant figures: the total number of digits stored, 
    • decimal places: the number of digits after the decimal place.

    The maximum number of integer digits is therefore the significant figure minus the decimal places. By default, decimals have 10 significant figures and 2 decimal places, and therefore 8 integer digits.

    If the number of integer digits present in a decimal field exceeds the specified format, running analysis will fail and PhixFlow will report an error.

    If the number of decimal digits present in a decimal field exceeds the specified format, PhixFlow will round to the required precision. For example, if a data record includes the number 12.3456, but the decimal type can have 4 significant figures and 2 decimal places, PhixFlow records 12.35.


    Ensure your decimal type has the number of decimal places you need for your data. Once the data is loaded into PhixFlow, you will not be able to recover excess decimal places.

    The PhixFlow administrator can configure the default number of decimal places is set in System Configuration → General Settings → Decimal places.

    If the System Configuration or Number Format option to Suppress Trailing Zeroes is set, PhixFlow will display decimals and floating point numbers without trailing zeroes.


    Apply a date type to representations of a calendar day. Word formats, such as Tuesday the fourteenth of February are not recognised. However, three letter month abbreviations are recognised, for example: 14 Feb 2019.

    The following date formats, have:

    • y represents year digits
    • M represents month digits or MMM represents three letters
    • d represents day digits
    • separators can be forward slash / hyphen - or a space.

    The default number of date format is set in System Configuration → General Settings → Default Date Format.

    Recognised Date Formats

    • the international standard format has not separators and is yyyyMMdd, for example 20190214. 
    • the following variations (examples shown with space separators).
    14 02 201914 Feb 201902 14 2019Feb 14 2019
    dd MM yyyydd MMM yyyyMM dd yyyyMMM dd yyyy

    MM d yyyyMMM d yyyy
    14 02 1914 Feb 1902 14 19Feb 14 19
    dd MM yydd-MMM-yyMM-dd-yyMMM-dd-yy
    dd-MM-yydd MMM yyMM dd yyMMM dd yy

    MM d yyMMM d yy


    Apply a datetime type to representations of a day and a time. It cannot be used to represent a time alone.

    Datetimes can have any of the above date formats followed by a space separator and HH:mm:ss. for example MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss represents a datetime such as 02/14/19 15:35:06.

    • H represents hour digits (24 hour)
    • m represents minute digits
    • s represents second digits
    • time separators are colons :

    The international datetime uses a full stop/period as a separator between the date and time, yyyyMMdd.HHmmss, for example 20190214.15:35:06.


    Insert excerpt
    Database Collector
    Database Collector

    The default number of date format is set in System Configuration → General Settings → Default Date/Time Format.


    Apply a graphic type to fields that contain image files.

    True or False Values

    Apply the Basic SettingsType of TrueFalse to fields that can have the values that represent true or false.

    Insert excerpt

    • an empty/null field.