Number Format

PhixFlow Help

Number Format

A number format specifies how a number will displayed on grid or form including number of decimal places, whether a thousands separator is required and any prefix and suffix (e.g. for currencies). A default number format may be set for each application or applied to a stream view attribute to format a grid, or applied to a layout component to format forms. 

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Basic Settings

Number of Decimal PlacesNumber of decimal places to display
Suppress Trailing Zeroes

This option is available from version 8.2.8.

Select one of the following:

  • Keep trailing zeroes
    he number is displayed as entered, with trailing zeroes preserved.
  • Suppress trailing zeroes
    PhixFlow does not display trailing zeroes, except the first after a decimal point. Examples of a number entered as:
    • 1.50 is stored as 1.5
    • 23.000 is stored as 23.0

PrefixPrefix to display before the number
SuffixSuffix to display after the number
Use Thousands SeparatorWhether a thousands separator is required if the number to display is over 1000
Decimal Place OffsetHow many places to move the decimal separator to the left. This may be desired e.g. where a decimal is going to be displayed as a percentage, in which case a decimal place offset of -2 would be used.

For example, to format as a percentage, set:

  • Suffix to: %
  • Decimal Place Offeset to: -2

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