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See Also
Types of Task
Analysis tasks run analysis on a number of streams.
An Archive Task can be created to archive data no longer needed in PhixFlow for processing. When a Stream is archived, PhixFlow creates an Archive Log with useful details of the data archived. Optionally, the archived data can be saved to a file. If this is done, the data can reloaded into PhixFlow using Restore Archive.
If you set up an archive task with no stream added, all streams configured for archive will be archived by this task, unless this stream has been added to another archive task. Even if you set up a catch-all archive task in this way, you might still want to have separate archiving for certain streams if they contain large amounts of data for each run, in which case archiving can sometimes task a while - this means you can schedule archiving for these streams in particular at a time when you system is quiet.
A Rollback Task can be created to roll-back one or more streams. On execution, it fully rolls back all data in the stream, deleting the stream-sets.
A System Task performs system-wide housekeeping activities. These include deleting:
- and optionally archiving log messages
- managed file entries
- email entries
- temporary files created by file exporters to send by email
- data from incomplete stream sets.
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The System Task should be run daily, or at a minimum every week. If incomplete stream sets are not deleted, they can slow down PhixFlow's performance. Depending on your PhixFlow database, queries that have to exempt many incomplete stream sets can reach system limits. This can prevent PhixFlow and its applications from running. |
The archiving periods, and whether to archive log messages before they are deleted, are controlled by the following parameters in System Configuration: