Tip |
Changing a date-time to a different
Example | Returns |
dateSet(today(),_DAY,1) | Sets the Day to the first for the current month and year. |
dateSet("20100403.162359",_MONTH,3) | Sets the month to 3, so returns the date/time "20100303.162359" |
dateSet("in.invoiceDate",_MONTH,_JANUARY) | Returns in.invoiceDate with the month set to 1 (January). An invoice date of "20100303.162359" becomes "20100103.162359" |
dateSet("in.invoiceDate",_SECOND, 0) | Returns in.invoiceDate with the seconds set to 0. An invoice date-time of "20100303.162359" becomes "20100303.162300". |
dateSet(toDate("20131205"),_DAY_OF_WEEK,_TUESDAY) | The input date of "20131205" is a Thursday. This returns the date for the Tuesday in the same week, "20131203". |
dateSet(toDate("20131205"),_DAY_OF_WEEK,_SATURDAY) | The input date of "20131205" is a Thursday. This returns the date for the Saturday in the same week "20131207". |