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EndpointsThis feature is available in PhixFlow version 11.1.1+. For older versions, see the API section in Actionflow Properties.

Endpoint Properties

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3.11 Setting up an API Endpoint3.11
Setting up an API Endpoint

Worked Example

For full details on how to create an API Endpoint, see 3.11 , including videos and worked examples, see Setting up an API Endpoint.

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 Properties Tab

Parent Details

The name of the container that this item is within or belongs to, if applicable. See Parent Details on Common Properties.

Basic Settings

NameThe name of the API Endpoint.

Actionflow Icon

A custom icon for the API Endpoint.

Upload a new icon by clicking the 

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 icon or choose an image already uploaded to the application by clicking 
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URL Alias

When set, instead of the URL (below) being constructed using the API Endpoint name and application name, it will use the alias instead.


This field is read only.

Displays the URL for the API that is used to call it.

This field is read only

If URL Alias (above) is populated, this URL will change accordingly and any special characters will be translated, such as, spaces to their URL encoded form (%20).

API Mode

Choose if the API Endpoint should:

  • Wait for result (Synchronous) (Default): The API waits for the results or the timeout to occur. Note: If the timeout occurs the command is aborted.
  • Poll for result (Asynchronous): The API is called and a response is returned immediately including the process ID. Subsequent API calls can be made using the process ID to fetch the status of the action. The asynchronous mode can be thought of as “fire and forget”.

Allow Anonymous Connections

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Setting up an API Endpoint
Setting up an API Endpoint

To setup API authentication see API Authentication and Secret Keys



Specify a maximum time in milliseconds that the API will wait for.

When set, this value will override the default timeout, which is 60 seconds where API Mode is Synchronous and 500 milliseconds where API Mode is Asynchronous. 

However, if a timeout parameter has been provided in the URL calling this API, that will override both this Timeout value and the default value.


Displays the actions in the API Endpoint, e.g. Calculate, Open ScreenView.

Input Connections

Displays the input connection points coming into the API Endpoint, and their Type. See Understanding Actionflow Node ConnectionsConnection Points.

Double-click a connection point to view and create Input Parameters. See Setting up an API Endpoint.

Output Connections

Displays the output connection points going out of the API Endpoint, and their Type.

Logging Settings

Log Requests

Disabled by default. 

When enabled, this creates a message in the System Console containing the HTTP Method (GET, POST, etc.), URL, client, headers and truncated request body.

This is useful for debugging and testing, and should be disabled once testing is completed.

Log Response

Disabled by default. 

When enabled, this creates a message in the System Console containing the status code, status message, response headers and truncated response body.

This is useful for debugging and testing, and should be disabled once testing is completed.


Prioritise throughput over ordering

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Actionflow Properties
Actionflow Properties

Exclusion Group

This field is case insensitive.

If this field is populated, only one Actionflow/API Endpoint with this Exclusion Group can be running at any one time. Attempting to run a second Actionflow/API Endpoint with the same exclusion group will return a warning and the Actionflow will not run. This applies whether the Actionflow is run manually or automatically using a schedule.

Exclusion Group are evaluated before any Actionflow/API Endpoints are started. 

If there is no Actionflow/API Endpoint already running with this exclusion group then the Actionflow/API Endpoint will continue. The action will be considered to be using this exclusion group from this point until the Actionflow/API Endpoint has completed.


DescriptionA short explanation of the API Endpoint's purpose.

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Understanding ActionflowsUnderstanding ActionflowsActionflow Security and Permissions
Actionflow Security and Permissions

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API Endpoints can be held in and run from a Package.