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Navigating PhixFlow (for Users)

When you log in, PhixFlow displays the Welcome window and the application menu. Anytime you want to return to the application menu, in the top left corner of the PhixFlow window, click 

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You can change the layout of the application menu, using icons in the top right of the application window.  Insert excerpt_card_or_list_card_or_listnopaneltrueImage Removed

Opening an Application

On the Applications menu (see above), double-click anywhere on the chosen application card or on a list line

In the header bar you will see the name of the PhixFlow server on which you are working. This is particularly important where you have multiple environments, such as a development, UAT and production environment. 

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Opening an Application

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  1. Double-click on the chosen application 
    1. Alternatively, right-click and choose to open in a new tab or window
  2. The application 's Home window will open where you can select a screen to navigate toYou will also see a number of system settings, along with will load, and if configured a landing screen and/or menu , depending on your individual system configuration

Here are the key areas when first logging in:

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  1. will show
Insert excerpt_app_menu_app_menunopaneltrue: reopen

Reopen the application menu to load a different application

Insert excerpt_phixflow_logo_name_phixflow_logo_namenopaneltrue: also opens the application menu
  • Depending on the way your administrator has configured PhixFlow, this logo may be replaced by your company logo

Here you may see a landing screen and/or menu, depending on your individual system configuration.

Here you will see the name of the PhixFlow server on which you are working. This is particularly important where you have multiple environments, such as a development, UAT and production environment. 

Hover over this to see the options:

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    : manage your user details, including name, email and phone number, and see the user groups you are part of, e.g. Administrator, Superuser - see User Details
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    : enter a new password
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The Learning Centre provides access to all courses, video tutorials and example data sets, as well as the ability search our extensive help library for your specific topic, such as Functions or API integrations.

The Hover over this to see the options:

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administration_administrationnopaneltrue menu provides a number of system options, including the ability to import or export content and access to the  Insert excerpt_console_consolenopaneltrue, which monitors different processes and tasks. The options you see depend on your permissions. See Administration Menu. Insert excerpt_download_area_download_areanopaneltrue

The download area displays files created by an export process that are ready to download. See Using the Download Area.

Insert excerpt_console_consolenopaneltrueThe System Console displays currently running tasks and log messages from PhixFlow processes. Access to the console is dependent on your access privileges. 
  • phixflow_logo_only
    Contact PhixFlow: Use this to email the designated support team and PhixFlow
  • Insert excerpt
    : Use this option to

  • open the help

  • portal for the

  • designated support team

  • (if configured for your system

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    : Display general information about your PhixFlow installation, such as the current version of the software

. Insert excerpt_app_mode_app_modenopaneltrue/ Insert excerpt_design_mode_design_modenopaneltrue

Design Mode is used for creating and configuring applications and is only available to users with specific privileges. Application Mode is used by application users to run and interact with PhixFlow applications. See Design and Application Mode.

Using Applications on Mobile Devices

PhixFlow supports mobile devices, such as tablets and phones. This means team members can access and update data whilst on the move. As mobile devices have less screen space available, the header bar is simplified to show the icons:

Insert excerpt_user_options_user_optionsnopaneltrue Insert excerpt_administration_administrationnopaneltrue – option available depending on user's permissionsImage Removed

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