Insert excerpt |
| _Banners |
| _Banners |
name | TableActions |
nopanel | true |
Context Parameters
Use context parameters to specify conditions that apply to the action
Field | Description |
Include Previous Context Parameters | Insert excerpt |
_check_box_untick | _check_box_untick | nopanel | true |
ignore any context parameter that were sent to the dashboard when it was opened. Insert excerpt |
_check_box_ticked | _check_box_ticked | nopanel | true |
to include the context parameters that were sent to the dashboard when it was opened. If the action specifies a new context parameter of the same name, the new context parameter will supersede the previous one.
Update Parent ContextBasic Settings
Field | Description |
Name | Enter the name of the action. |
Display Name | Enter the name that will be used to display this action on a Stream View ??Where and why does a stream view display an action?? |
Progress Indicator Settings
Field | Description |
Show progress indicator after (ms) | Enter the number of milliseconds which need to pass after the action is submitted before PhixFlow displays a progress indicator. |
In Progress Message | Enter a message that you want the user to see with the progress indicator. If not specified, PhixFlow displays a default progress message. |
In Progress Popup Message | Enter a message to display in a pop-up window. Use the toolbar to format the message text. You can provide additional information to the user to explain what the action is doing. |
not send any context parameter values to the dashboard that initiated the actiontickedticked to send context parameter values to the dashboard that initiated the action.Context parameters | A grid listing the context parameters. Double-click to open the properties for a context parameter
Confirmation Message
Field | Description |
Ask for Confirmation | If this flag is ticked, a message will pop up asking the user if they want to proceed with the action. By default, the message is: Please confirm that you want to apply action Action Name
To provide a customised confirmation message, use the next field. |
Confirmation Message | Optionally, enter your own text to display as the confirmation message. Use the If this flag is ticked, users will be prompted to browse to a file and select it for upload when they run this actionAn Code Block |
Code Block |
dashboard Code Block |
List can be accessed through The or Update A on A - this will stop the action from being completed dashboard dashboard element dashboard view with database element When the action runs, PhixFlow
A which of the listed Stream Item Actions will run. Double-click a rule to open its properties and specify rule details and attributes: see Stream Item Action Rule. This grid displays:- Order: The order in which the rules are evaluated.
- Stream: The backing stream.
- Name: The rule name.
- Expression: If this expression evaluates to true, this action will be run. A blank (null) expression counts as true.
When the action runs, PhixFlow evaluates the action rules in order. For each action rule that evaluates to true, PhixFlow will run that action.
Note |
The action type of the first action rule is overwritten if the button that initiates the action has both an Action Type and an Action; see Layout.
Insert excerpt |
Layout | Layout | nopanel | true |
Run Task Plan
Field | Description |
Run Selected TaskPlan | Tick this flag if you want to run a task plan as part of the action. Any expression evaluated during this task plan can reference any Context Parameter. |
Task Plan Rules | A list of task plans that can be run for this action, for each one a rule to determine whether the task plan is actually run. The first task plan whose expression evaluates to true will be run. Only this task plan will be run. If none of the expressions evaluates to true, no task plan will be run. Double-click a task plan rule to specify: - Order: The order in which the rules are evaluated.
- Task Plan: The task plan that will be run if the accompanying expression evaluates to true.
- Expression: If this expression evaluates to true, this task plan will be run. A blank (null) expression counts as true.
See Task Plans for details. |
Action Completion
Field | Description |
Close Parent Dashboard | If you tick this flag, the initiating dashboard will be closed once the action has completed. |
Open Post Dashboard | If you tick this flag, a separate dashboard will be opened once the action has completed. The dashboard to open is determines by the Dashboard Rules. These are only available if you have ticked this flag. Any filter of any view on the post dashboard can reference any Context Parameters set on this action. If the specified dashboard is already open it will be brought to the front and refreshed, rather than a second instance of the dashboard opening. |
URL Expression | A URL which will be opened when the Action has completed. This may be provided as a fixed URL or as an expression evaluating to a plain text string. The expression can reference the Form fields, Context Parameters or attributes of Records selected on the view or dashboard from which the action was initiated. |
Dashboard Rules available if Open Post Dashboard | This field is only available if the Open Post Dashboard is ticked. A list of dashboards that can be opened after this action, for each one a rule to determine whether this is the dashboard that will be opened. The first dashboard whose expression evaluates to true will be opened. Only this dashboard will be opened. If none of the expressions evaluates to true, no dashboard will be opened. For each dashboard rule define the following fields: - Order: The order in which the rules are evaluated.
- Dashboard: The dashboard that will be opened if the accompanying expression evaluates to true.
- Expression: If this expression evaluates to true, this dashboard will be opened once the action has completed. A blank (null) expression counts as true.
Field | Description |
Result includes Warnings | Insert excerpt |
_check_box_untick | _check_box_untick | nopanel | true |
to report the result in a message without any information about warnings. You can view the warnings in the console. Insert excerpt |
_check_box_ticked | _check_box_ticked | nopanel | true |
to include warning messages generated by the action to be listed in the result message.Result includes Errors | Insert excerpt |
_check_box_untick | _check_box_untick | nopanel | true |
to report the result in a message without including any information about errors. You can view error messages in the console. Insert excerpt |
_check_box_ticked | _check_box_ticked | nopanel | true |
to include error messages generated by the Message Timeout (s)Optionally, specify the number of seconds that the result message is displayed to the user. | Anchor |
result_message | result_message | include expressions Task Plan Action Stream Action Action Action ActionAccess Permissions
For details about how to control access to an action, see Common Properties → Access Permissions.
Field | Description |
Prevent Parallel Processing | excerpttickedticked even if the dashboard is refreshing. This property is ticked by defaulttickedticked refresh on the dashboard is complete. Use this option when the action requires information from the dashboard stream streamstream streams stream Form View dashboard Context Parameters dashboard