Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Insert excerpt


Annotation Properties

Image Modified


Insert excerpt
Insert excerpt
s and 
Insert excerpt
s to add text boxes directly onto the canvas containing descriptions, guidance and grouping.

Worked Example



full details on creating and editing

annotations  Insert excerpt_property_settings_property_settingsnopaneltrue, see 

annotations, see Creating Annotations.

Insert excerpt

Basic Settings
NameName given to the annotation. 
Display Text

The text to be displayed on the canvas.

Text Settings
FontSpecify a font name.
Font SizeSpecify a font size.
Text ColourSelect a font colour.
Font WeightChoose a font weight, e.g. Bold, Normal.
Font StyleChoose a font style, e.g. Italic, Normal.


Choose from:

Top: text is packed toward the top of the annotation.

Bottom: text is packed toward the bottom of the annotation.

Middle: text is centred along the main horizontal axis.

Align Left: text is aligned to the left of the annotation.

Align Right: text is aligned to the right of the annotation.

Center: text is centred along the main vertical axis.

Justify: text fills the annotation along the main horizontal axis

Position Settings
Padding Top

Define in pixels (px) the amount of padding required around the display text, at the top of the annotation

Padding RightDefine in pixels (px) the amount of padding required around the display text, on the right of the annotation
Padding BottomDefine in pixels (px) the amount of padding required around the display text, at the bottom of the annotation
Padding LeftDefine in pixels (px) the amount of padding required around the display text, on the left of the annotation
z-indexSpecify the stack order of the annotation (far in front or behind the annotation should appear in relation to other annotations). 
Background Settings
Background ColourSelect a background colour or enter a hex code.
OpacitySet the opacity of the background colour.
Border Settings
Border WidthSpecify the border width in pixels.
Border ColourSpecify the colour.
Border StyleSpecify the border style: Solid, Dashed, Dotted, or None.

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