2. Setting
Worked Example
Unhide string form field, StudentIDFromAttendees.
Lookup to Retrieve Data
We will create an Actionflow containing a Calculate Action and a View Lookup Action. The Calculate Action will allow the input data to pass through into the View Action where it will be used to lookup to the Course Attendees table to find the students attending the courses. To do this it we will:
- lookup using the Course ID, which is found on both the Course and Attendees tables
- use the Course ID on the Attendees table to find the corresponding Student ID(s) of the students attending that course
- Write those Student ID(s) back to the screen onto a field
- Setup a background filter that only show students in a Students grid that match the Student ID in the field
Create Calculate Action and View Action
- Add a button to the Tile - Footer area beneath the school courses grid
- Name: Enrolled Students
- Right-click on the button and choose Add Actionflow
- Enter a name for the Actionflow,
- Name:
Find Students
- Select Confirm
- Name:
- Select Click to Connect and for the input, choose the School Course , then select Connect Input Grid data source
- In the Mappings window that opens, drag the CourseID attribute from the left to the right
- Select Save
- Click and drag the icon from the toolbar onto the canvas Calculate
- In the Create Calculate Action window enter:
- Name:
Select Create Action
The Calculate Action will be configured below as it is needed for the output. For the input data, the attributes pass through without being processed.
- Name:
- Click and drag the action node Calculate icon onto the
- Right-click on the in connector and choose Open Mappings
- Drag the CourseID attribute on the left onto the Drag and Drop area on the right
- Select Save
- To lookup to the Course Attendees table, we need to create a View Action
- Click and drag the icon from the toolbar onto the canvas View
- In the Create View Action window enter:
- Name:
- Primary Table: choose the Course Attendees data
Select Create Action
- Name:
Configure the Lookup on the View Action
- Hover over the calculate action and select
- Enter a name for the lookup connector:
- Name: lu
- Select Confirm
- When the red arrow shows, click on the View Action on the canvas
- Select the View Action on the canvas to open the properties
- In the Output Attributes section, click on the
- In the Available Attributes window, drag StudentID into the Output Attributes section of the properties
- Click OK
icon - Select the lu connector to map the incoming and outgoing data
- For the Incoming Mappings:
- Drag the CourseID attribute from the left (Calculate Action) into the Drag and Drop area on the right to create a corresponding attribute in the View Action
- Select Next
- For the Outgoing Mappings:
- Drag the StudentID attribute from the left (View Action) to the Drag and Drop area on the right to create a corresponding attribute back to the Calculate Action
- Right-click on the StudentID attribute you just created and rename it
- Click Confirm
- We need to filter the data coming out of the lookup
- Click on the View Action to open its properties
- In the Data Retrieval Options section, click the
- Name: ByCourseID
- Filter Details:
- the Filter tab Apply and Close
icon next to Filter - the View Action tab Apply