In general, there is no need to edit the actionflow properties as the configuration is done in the actionflow diagram. The diagram comprises three areas:
On the left: configure the component or event that will trigger the actionflow. PhixFlow lists the inputs in the Properties tab → Input Connection Points section.
In the centre: add the actionflow nodes to create the functionality you require. An actionflow node can be another actionflow. his is useful to reuse existing actionflows, or to refactor a complex workflow. PhixFlow lists any actionflows that are nodes in the Properties tab → Child Actionflows section.
On the right: if the actionflow has an output as a result of running, configure what to do with the outputs. PhixFlow lists the inputs in the Properties tab → Output Connection Points section.
Remember that the actionflow shown in the centre of the actionflow diagram can be reused. An actionflow instance is the unique combination of:
Use the properties to add a description for the actionflow, or to change which users can run it.
Property Pane Toolbar
For information about the toolbar options, see the Common Properties page, Toolbars and Controls section.
Properties Tab
Parent Details
If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.
Basic Settings
Enter the name for the action node.
Show in the Repository
An application can have many actionflows, and an individual actionflow can have many nodes. This can lead to many items being listed under Actionflow in the repository. Use this option to omit the node from the repository.
The grid contains a list of the inputs that can initiate this actionflow instance.
To change an input connection point, use the actionflow diagram's left panel.
To edit the properties of an existing input connection point, double-click it's name in the list to open its properties; seeInput Connection Points.
To delete an input connection point from the properties, the actionflow diagram and the repository, select it in the list and in the section toolbar, click Delete. Refresh the actionflow diagram to reflect this change.
We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.