Training Exercise
You have now learnt how to create and configure Actionflows requiring advanced business logic and can competently use all Actionflow features. To reinforce the techniques you have learnt, complete these assignments.
Don't worry, this is not an exam. You can use the Help to broaden your understanding and assimilate knowledge. A number of hints have been provided; use these if you are struggling as each hint gives you more information on the solution.
A training instance is required to complete these assignments. Use the application: Actionflow Advanced Application.
.Remember to close and reopen your screen if you do not see the changes you expect.
Assignment 1
Difficulty Level:
Task 1
On the Company Rejected Companies screen, modify the Actionflow that you created in 3.01 Bulk Delete Action Configuration on the Delete All button to also delete all employees associated with the rejected companies.
Before starting, roll back and reinstate the data in the Companies, Orders and Order Lines tables, if you have not already.
Task 2
If you have not already completed the optional worked example, Example 2: Reject Company Using Drag and Drop on 3.04 Drag and Drop Configuration, configure this now. On the Company Approval Review screen, set up the area holding the icon as a Drop Target.
The Actionflow must:
- Set the Company's Status to
- Update the Company's UpdatedByName attribute, using the same syntax as can be seen in the existing data
- Update the Company's UpdatedTime attribute
Assignment 2
Difficulty Level:
Task 1
Add the confirmation screen, Company Bulk Delete Confirmation, to the Actionflow on the Delete All button on the Company Rejected Companies screen. In the Actionflow, create counts of the affected companies, orders and employees, and map these onto the screen.
Task 2
A number of companies have created webpages on their company's website for their employees. The webiste for the employees is the company website followed by "/employeeportal" .
- Add a new attribute to the Employees table
- Name:
- Expression:
- Name:
- On the Company Management screen, expand the AdditionalDetails area on the Employees card and find the dynamic text component, Website
- Add your new website attribute as this component's backing attribute
On the Company Form screen, add an Actionflow to the Update Employee Website button that updates the Website attribute on the Employee table using a Bulk Update action. The syntax for the employee website is CompanyWebsite/employeeportal.
Assignment 3
Difficulty Level:
Task 1
Set up an API Endpoint that returns the attributes CoID, Name, Industry, Status and TurnOver from the Additional Companies data in JSON.
On the Company Approval Review screen, create a button that calls the API. The Response from URL can be seen in the System Console.
Optional: If you wish, you can create a screen to display the results.
Task 2
On the Turnover Analysis screen, add an Actionflow to the Run button that displays Companies from the Additional Companies API with a turnover between two set parameters.
Set drop down boxes - 250,000
Task 3
On the Company Management screen, click the Quick Add button to open the Company Quick Add screen. On this screen, add an Actionflow to the Save button, using a For Each action, that allows new companies to be added to the Companies table using just their name.
Users should be able to enter a list of company names and when saving, unique ID numbers are generated for each company and the company's Status is set to New. These companies will then appear on the Company Approval Review screen.
Ensure you test your Actionflows are working, and where relevant, test for both a positive and negative result. For example, on your form, enter a Title you know exists in your data to display a duplicate and a Title you know doesn't exist.
Once you have verified your Actionflows are working, the screens and data can be modified in any way you wish. For example, you may wish to enhance the Email phase of the Actionflow that runs the API to pass in more detail to the Email action, such as, the number of records returned from the API call.