Double-click (This is when the actionflow is set as the default action on a view)
Default Action for auto save on a view.
Mapping attributes In and Out
Input Parameters: These are needed if you want to use an attribute in a node.
Output Attributes
Inserting Items
Referencing additional data
Creating a Lookup
Returns a recordset
Creating Views
Returns individual Records
Lookups vs Views:
The differences
When to use each one/ use cases
Confirmation dialogues
Security and permissions
Record throughput and behaviours
Exclusion Groups
Additional Topics
List all Actionflow and Screen Actionflow. Showing actionflow associated to a screen that are not connected. This occurs when we create actionflows in a workflow.
Scenarios to cover
Counting records (lookups)
Checking for duplicates (lookups)
Checking a value is in a list (lookups)
Setup an API end point
Configuring a Validation Phase (or another example?)