Use the palette to add components; see link
You can set up data to back all or part of a screen.
In the palette Data Components section, drag in one of the data icons, grid, chart, graph or card.
In the popup, Sselect the table or view that contains the data for this screen then click Confirm / OK
PhixFlow adds the data component to the screen, with its properties.
This goes intow Data Views.
Table popup has Show View, Show Table and Show properties
Alternatively, if the table does not already exist, click Create, then enter the name and description and click Create.
Screen options - Windows control
How do you select Full screen or popup
Layers icon
As you add components to the screen, some are nested. Parents and children. You can see this in the layers panel on the left. Click the layers tab on the left to show the layers list.
For example on the right.
Select something on your screen to see it/them highlighted in the layers list.
Selected items outlined in blue
Parent item outlined in orange.
On the screen, the parent, container component is also highlighted.