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This page is for data modellers and application designers who want to select specific attributes to appear in a screen, and to format how the data will be displayed.


Views allow you to present data from a table in the form you wish:

  • as a data grid or chart
  • sorted and ordered as required
  • showing data from the latest run, or across all time.

Reports can be sent out from PhixFlow by emailing the output of a File Exporter, a Task Plans , or a Screen.

Property Pane Toolbar

For information about the toolbar options, see the Common Properties page, Toolbars and Controls section.

 Properties Tab

Parent Details

If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.

Basic Settings

NameThe name of the view. By default, a space will be included before each capital letter. For example, the name CustSpendAverage will be displayed in the column heading as Cust Spend Average.
Display TypeA number of chart types are available:
  • Barchart: plot a quantity as a set of bars against a set of categories along the horizontal axis.
  • 3D Barchart: a 3D version of the standard barchart.
  • Barchart (horizontal)
  • Grid: show data laid out in a grid.
  • Line Chart (category horizontal axis): plot line, or lines, representing quantities against a horizontal axis of 'categories'. The categories are printed along the horizontal axis, ordered alphanumerically.
  • Line Chart (numeric horizontal axis): plot line, or lines, representing quantities against a numerical horizontal axis.
  • 3D Pie Chart: a 3D version of the standard pie chart.
  • Pie Chart: show a quantity as a pie chart, grouped by a category.
  • Pivot: show data laid out in a table, with data for values of one attribute broken out ('pivoted') into multiple columns.
  • Stacked Barchart: a bar chart where multiple series/multiple attributes per category are displayed in a stacked form.
  • Line Chart (times series horizontal axis): plot line, or lines, representing quantities against a date/time value - an attribute of type Date or Datetime.
Default Sort OrderIf specified, the default order in which data should be displayed. See Sort Order.
Default FilterAny filter on the table can be selected as the default filter for this view.
Background FilterAny filter on the table can be selected as the background filter for this view. When the user opens this view the background filter is applied first and any other filter applied to the view (either specifically created/selected by the user or automatically applied as the default filter described above) applied on top of the background filter.

Double-click Action

The default action to run when the user double-clicks on a row in a data grid; see Action. For example:

  • run an update action so that a user (with permission) can update the record
  • open a read-only detailed view of the record.
Drag TypeThe drag type that will be used when dragging data from this view. See Drag Types and Drop Targets.
Enable Filter Picker Tick to allow the filter picker to be used for filters created for this view. See Filters on Data Views.
Form View

 Tick to make this a form view. This can be used to accepting input from a user, for an insert or update action.

Include History Records Tick to include audit records in the view data. If set, superseded records will be identified by a grey background on the grid row. If not set, superseded records will be filtered out.

View Attributes

A list of attributes displayed in the view. Click  to show view attributes window. Drag the attributes you want to add to the view into this list. If there are related tables, you can also drag in attributes from the related tables; see View Editor Window.

In the list:

  • to edit the attribute's properties, double-click an attribute; see View Attribute
  • to delete an attribute, right-click and select  Delete  
  • to set pivot table options, right-click an attribute to open the pop-up menu, which has the options to:
    • Make Pivot Value
    • Make Pivot Column
    • Make Pivot Row
    • Make Pivot Label
    • Make Pivot Row Total

When designing a chart, drag attributes from this list onto the chart builder in the screen.


The list of filters that will be available to application users in the drop-down list of filters on the view.

There are two ways to add a filter to this list:

  1. Click on the filter button in this section
    • PhixFlow opens a list of all the available filters on the parent table.
    • Drag a filter from this popup into the list.
  2. Go to the parent table's filters and drag filters into this list; see Filter

Access Permissions

For details about how to control access to a view, see Common Properties → Access Permissions.

 Security Tab

Access Permissions

See the Common Properties page, Access Permissions section.


Selection AttributeThis attribute will be used to determine the record selected. This is important when the data will be refreshed while users are looking at it - for example, if they run actions that run task plans to update the data, and which are set as refresh actions (see above). Setting this using a key field of the data means that after the refresh, the same record will be selected as before.
Auto Save

 Tick to save the edited row after another row is clicked. 

If a user makes a change to a view with Auto Save selected, then clicks  Refresh, PhixFlow runs auto save first.

Auto Save Action

Available when Auto Save is ticked.

Select an action from the list, or click 


In PhixFlow a table is a structured store of data. The table receives data from one or more modelling objects. The table processes data and stores it. Bulk processing of table data is done in analysis models. PhixFlow applications make transactional updates to table data. 

 to open the list of table-actions.
When an application user clicks elsewhere in the screen, PhixFlow runs the selected autosave action.

Row Selection Style

The style that will applied to rows in this view when they are selected. If set, this will override the default selected row style set in the System Configuration.
Select First Row By Default

 Tick to automatically select the first row shown in the view when the view is opened.

Show Paging Bar

Available when Display Type is Grid.

 Tick to show the paging bar by default.

Show Records Count

 Tick to calculate the total number of rows. Users do not have to click the '...' symbol to see this information.

Show Row Number Tick to display the row number on the grid.
Always Show the Column Filter Icon

 Tick to always display the a filter icon on this grid's column headers. This means users can quickly select values on which to filter the grid.

PeriodsNumber of processing periods from the table to display on the chart. If a full set of data is generated in each period, then this will be 1. If the data is spread across processing periods in the table - for example, each processing period only contains new data for that day, but we want to plot data across a number of days - then this number must be high enough to include all data of interest to show on a chart.
Default WidthThe default width of the view. If empty, the view's width will be set to the system default value.
Default HeightThe default height of the view. If empty, the view's height will be set to the system default value.
Allow Multi-Select Tick to enable users to select more than one row in the grid.
Frozen ColumnsNumber of columns frozen while scrolling the View horizontally.
Excel Template

An Excel template can be linked to the view to specify the format the chart data should be exported in.

The location that excel templates must be saved to is specified in the System Configuration.

Chart Layout 

Available when Type is one of the chart view options. PhixFlow only shows options that are relevant for the type of chart selected.

To configure attributes to display as a chart:

  1. Drag the table or view onto a screen.
  2. Select the chart option you want.
  3. Select the attributes you want to use on the chart.
  4. PhixFlow creates the view and the screen displays a chart builder.
  5. Drag attributes from the view properties onto the chart builder boxes.
    • Series and Series (right axis)
    • on the vertical axis: Y attributes and Y attributes (right axis)
    • on the horizontal :X axis  
    • Label attribute
    • For a horizontal bar chart or line chart, the chart builder boxes are:
    • Series, Y Attributes , X AttributesLabel Attributes

Behind the chart builder you can see the chart. To show the chart without the chart builder overlay, either lock the layout or switch to  Application Mode.

You can display up to 6 

Show Legend

When a series is used,  Tick to display a box listing all lines, along with the corresponding values.

Display Legend Below The Chart

Available when Show Legend is ticked for charts with left axis only.

 Tick to display the legend below the chart.

 Untickto display the legend above the chart.

Show Controls

Available when Display Type is Barchart.

  Tick to display a Grouped/Stacked switch on the chart.

Mark Selection

Available when Display Type is Barchart.

 Tick to add a visible border around the currently selected bar.

Tooltip Number FormatSelect or add a number format to be applied to a chart tooltip.
Colour MapSelect or add a colour map.
Group Spacing

Available when Display Type is Barchart.

Specify a value between 0 and 1 to define custom spacing between bar groups.

Chart Axis Options

Horizontal Axis SectionVertical Axis Section
Left or right axis
Show Horizontal AxisShow Vertical Axis Tick to display the axis on the chart.
Horizontal Axis TitleVertical Axis TitleAvailable when Show Horizontal/Vertical Axis is ticked.
The label to appear below the axis.
Title StyleTitle Style

Available when Show Horizontal/Vertical Axis is ticked.
Select or add a style with properties to specify the format of the axis title text.

Label Angle-Available when Display Type is Barchart, Barchart (stacked) and all Line Charts.
The orientation of the values displayed along the horizontal axis. Select a value from the drop-down menu.
Horizontal Axis IncrementVertical Axis IncrementSpecify the interval between tick marks on the axis. For example if the data values have a range from 1 to 100, specify a value of 5 or 10.

Force Horizontal Axis Ticks


 Tick to force ticks to appear on the horizontal axis.

-Logarithmic ScaleAvailable when Display Type is any type of Line Chart.
 Tick to scale the vertical axis logarithmically.

Minimum Value

Only for
Barchart (horizontal)

Minimum Value

For charts except
Barchart (horizontal)

Specify a minimum value to show on the axis. If the data includes lower values, they will not be plotted.

If no minimum is specified, PhixFlow scales the chart from the lowest data point.

Compares min and max and then it compares to data and says I don't need it

If over the range they don't have an effect unless you tick fixed scale

If its smaller, you are chopping off those parts of the graph top and bottom

It plots everything but then the top is chopped off - so the bar will go to the top or the line will disappear off or appear on

Maximum Value

Only for
Barchart (horizontal)

Maximum Value

For charts except
Barchart (horizontal

Specify a maximum value to show on the axis. If the data includes higher values, they will not be plotted. 

If no maximum is specified, PhixFlow scales the chart up to the highest data point.

Fixed Scale

Only for
Barchart (horizontal)

Fixed Scale

For charts except
Barchart (horizontal

 Tick to always use the Maximum Value and Minimum Value  as the highest and lowest values on the axis.

Left axis you can choose,

Right axis cannot be adjusted to the data.... For the right axis it will use the min and max, whatever the data is doing (so it is effectively always fixed).

Right axis is different

Horizontal Axis IncrementVertical Axis IncrementSpecify a value to use as increments on the axis
Show Horizontal GridlinesShow Vertical Gridlines

 Tick to show grid lines on the chart.

Horizontal Axis Date FormatVertical Axis Date Format

Available when the attribute selected for the axis is a date or date/time.
Select or add a Date or Date/Time format to use for the value labels.

Horizontal Axis Number FormatVertical Axis Number Format

Available when the attribute selected for the axis is a number.
Select or add a Number Format for for the axis labels.

Text StyleText StyleSelect or add a style with properties to specify the format of the text for the axis labels

Chart Layout: Line Chart (time)

Available when Type Line Chart (time). These apply to the horizontal axis, which in this case is a time series:

Primary Axis UnitUnits for date display along the horizontal axis. Choose a value from the drop-down list. Note, however, that only as many values will be displayed as can comfortably be fitted in the space available.
Primary Axis FormatChoose a format to display dates along the primary horizontal axis.
Secondary Axis UnitUnits for an optional, second date display along the horizontal axis. This might be used, for example, to create a graph where the months are shown along the primary horizontal axis (Primary Axis Unit = 'Month', Primary Axis Format = 'Jan, Feb') and the years are shown along a line below this, along the secondary horizontal axis (Secondary Axis Unit = 'Year', Secondary Axis Format = 'Four digit year').
Secondary Axis FormatChoose a format to display dates along the secondary horizontal axis, if this is being used.

Pivot View  

For pivot views, the property tab includes the following settings.

Pivot Column Source

This controls how the field given the role Pivot Column will be used to generate columns in the pivot table. Choose from one of:

  • View Data - the pivot columns are generated directly from the data in the Pivot Column field. If a field has been given the role Pivot Label, the label values corresponding to values in the Pivot Column field will be used as pivot column headers. The is the simplest way to generate the pivot columns, but does not allow any control of the order of values, or the ability to handle missing values e.g. when generating standard reports
  • Expression - the pivot column values are the result of an expression.

Pivot Column Expr

If Pivot Column Source == Expression, this expression must return either a list of values or a list of pairs of values (the values and corresponding labels).

The expression can refer to any lookup pipe that is an input to the parent table of the view.


['20150101', '20150201', '20150301']

In this example the resulting view displays three pivot columns.

The pivot view only displays data where the value of the pivot column attribute equals one of the three quoted values - data that does not match any of the pivot column values is ignored.

The pivot column labels are generated from the pivot values using the formatting rules of the Pivot Column field. In particular, the Label expression can be used to generate formatted label values automatically. If no formatting or Label expression is provided, a default label is generated. This is the recommended way of formatting column labels.


[['20150101', 'January 2015'], ['20150201', 'February 2015'], ['20150301', 'March 2015']]

In the second example, the same data is displayed, but the column headers are provided in the second values for each pivot column.

This method of setting column labels is not recommended, and is provided for compatibility with existing pivot views.

Maximum Pivot Columns

This is the maximum number of pivot columns that can be displayed. If this is blank, the system-wide default in System Configuration is used.

Include History RecordsTodo-Fiona

The view attributes for a pivot table must have the following roles set.

Todo-Fiona I can't see where to set the roles

To configure a pivot view, add attributes and set the role of each attribute according to these rules.

Each attribute must be assigned to one of these roles.

Pivot Column

This field will be used to generate columns in the pivot table. See Configuring Pivot Details on the View below.

Formatting of the column headings will be controlled by the formatting options set on this view attribute.

A Pivot view must have one and only one Pivot Column attribute.

Pivot Row

This field will be used to generate the rows of the pivot.

A Pivot View can have any number of Pivot Row attributes.

Pivot Label

If Pivot Column Source == View Data, this attribute provides the pivot column headings. In most cases, the number of values for the pivot label should be exactly the same as the number of values for the pivot column.

A Pivot View can have at most one Pivot Column attribute. See Configuring Pivot Details on the View below.

Pivot Value

The values in this field will be used to generate the data values in the pivot.

You must apply an aggregate function (Table Function) to this attribute - to provide the sum, max, min, etc. of these values for each row and column.

A Pivot view must have one and only one Pivot Value attribute.

Pivot Row Total

Each Pivot Row Total attribute generates a value for each row calculated as an aggregate of the individual pivot column values.

The aggregate function can be any single-valued Aggregate Function (Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, Count).

A Pivot View can have any number of Pivot Row Total attributes.

Grid View: How to Configure Coloured Rows

The colours of rows in grid views can be set by creating an attribute called gridRowColour, and adding this to the view. This value will not be shown in the grid.

The value of this attribute must evaluate to either a hexadecimal value representing a colour or to the lower case name of one of the basic HTML colours. Visit to see how hexadecimal values correspond to real colours. The table below lists the basic HTML colour names:


You are recommended to avoid dark colours as they make data in the grid very hard to read.

View Context Menu

Show Record DetailsOpens a window with all the information contained in that grid row
View PropertiesOpens the properties tab for the view.
Table PropertiesOpens the properties tab for the table.
List Attributes <viewName>

Opens a list of all of the attributes (column headers) for this view.  Attributes formatted in italics are present in the table but are hidden in the grid.

To change whether an attribute is hidden or visible, right-click the attribute and selectShow this columnorHide this column.


We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.

 Actions tab

Action Settings

Double-click Action

Select the type of action that PhixFlow will run when the user double-clicks the view.

  • No Action
  • Stream Action
  • Actionflow
Drop Action

Available when Double-click Action is Stream Action.

Select action that will run when something of the chosen Drag Type is dropped onto this view.

To show the list of available streams, click 


In PhixFlow a table is a structured store of data. The table receives data from one or more modelling objects. The table processes data and stores it. Bulk processing of table data is done in analysis models. PhixFlow applications make transactional updates to table data. 


Available when Double-click Action is Actionflow.

Select the actionflow that will run when the chosen Drag Type is dropped onto this view. 

  • To show the list of available actionflows, click  Actionflow.
  • To create a new actionflow, click  Add New; see Actionflow.
Drag TypeThe drag type that this drop type is listening for.

Refresh Actions

A list of Refresh Actions which are all the actions that, following their execution, will cause this view to be refreshed.

To add a Refresh Action go to a the Actions tab and drag actions into this tab. The table does not have to be the parent of this view.

Drop Targets

A list of the drop targets that this view will contain. To add a drop target, click on the + button at the top of the grid.

For each drop target you set the following fields:

NameThe name of the drop target.
Drag TypeThe drag type that this drop type is listening for.
Drop ActionThe action that will run when something of the chosen drag type is dropped onto this view.

Menu Items

A list of the buttons, menus and sub-menus that will be presented on this view - which buttons are available to users depends on whether they have permissions to run these actions.

Only actions that belong to the parent table can be added to a view.

There are three ways to add lists and buttons:

  1. Click on the Actions icon at the top of the grid.
    • A popup window will appear listing all the available actions on the parent table.
    • Drag an action from this popup form onto the grid.
    • If you drop onto an existing button, PhixFlow prompts you to:
      • either create a new button 
      • or create a list for the new button and the button onto which you dropped the new action.
    • If you drop onto an existing list, PhixFlow adds the dragged action to the list
  2. Open the Table properities. Drag actions into Properties tab→ Actions section list.
  3. Click the  Add New icon in the toolbar to create a button, menu or sub-menu.

For each button, set the following fields:


Drop Action

Click Action for a menu

Select a drop action. todo-Fiona what is this
NameAvailable for sub-menus. The internal name of the action button. This name will be used to refer to this button in other configuration objects
Display NameThe name that will be presented to users when they open the form.
OrderThe order that the button will be shown in the banner of the form, or, if the button is on a list (a menu or sub-menu), the order the button will appear in that list.
Menu Items

Available for sub-menus.

todo-fiona more info

 Styles tab

Style Settings

For grid views, there are default styles set in System Configuration that determine the appearance of the grid on a screen. To apply different styles to a grid view, select the style from the drop-down. 

Grid Header Style      Select the style for the grid's header row.
Grid Header Button StyleSelect the style for buttons in the header row.
Grid Header Icon StyleSelect the style for icons in the header row.
Grid Header Drop-down Button StyleSelect the style for drop-down buttons in the header row.
Grid Header Drop-down Pane StyleSelect the style for drop-down panes.
Grid Paging StyleSelect the style for the paging bar.
Grid Row StyleSelect the style for rows.
Grid Column Header StyleSelect the style for column headers.
Row Selection StyleSelect the style for the currently selected row(s).

To see a full list of styles, click 

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '_style'.

To create a new style, click  Add New;  see Style.

 Audit Tab

Audit Summary

See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

Sections on this page

  Learn More

For links to all pages in this topic, see Analysis Models for Batch Processing Data.

Terminology changes in progress

As part of the redesign of PhixFlow, we are changing the following terms:

dashboard → screen   
stream → table
stream attributes → attributes
stream item → record
stream set → recordset
stream view → view
stream item action → record-action 
stream action → table-action
driver class → database driver

  • No labels