Upgrade 5.9.0

PhixFlow Help

Upgrade 5.9.0

These are the special instructions for upgrading to PhixFlow 5.9.0

These instructions should be read together with the Standard Upgrade Instructions.


Migrate the Email Accounts

Follow these instructions after you have upgraded the database and have re-started Tomcat.

This is only necessary if you have previously configured inbound or outbound email accounts.


The Email Sender and Fetcher accounts were previously configured in XML files. From 5.9 they are configured via the GUI.

The migration process is manual. If you have configured email accounts prior to 5.9, you must re-enter the Email Account settings into the new configuration forms:

Outbound Email Account

  1. Make a backup copy of the phixflow-datasource.xml file.
  2. Open the phixflow-datasource.xml file.
  3. Note the port, host, username, password and javaMailProperties values.
  4. Delete the mailSender bean from the phixflow.datasource.xml file.
  5. In PhixFlow go to Admin → Manage Email Accounts and add a new account.
  6. Tick the Outbound flag, type the account name and enter values from the step 2. The Properties have format: property.name=value. Each property should be entered in new line. Tick Enabled.

  7. Restart Tomcat

You can test the configuration by entering a test email address and sending a test email by clicking the Test Configuration button.

Inbound Email Account

  1. Make a backup copy of the phixflow-email.xml file.
  2. Open the phixflow-email.xml file.
  3. Note the enabled, port, host, protocol, username and password values.
  4. Delete the phixflow-email.xml file.
  5. In PhixFlow go to Admin → Manage Email Accounts and add a new account.
  6. Leave the Outbound flag unticked, type the account name and Enter values from the step 2. If you leave the Pooling Interval blank, the pollingInterval value configured in the server.properties file will be used.

You can test the configuration by clicking the Test Configuration button.

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