Release 5.8.1
PhixFlow Help
Release 5.8.1
These release notes are for PhixFlow 5.8.1.
This release is for Oracle and SQL Server only.
Installation / Upgrade
To install a new PhixFlow instance, follow the instructions in $release/schema/$database/install and in $release/webapp/doc ./userguides/PhixFlow Installation Guide.pdf.
To upgrade an existing PhixFlow instance:
- Ensure that you have a recent full backup of your database. If, for any reason, you need to rollback (see "Rollback Upgrade" below), your PhixFlow configuration and data will revert to this point.
- Shut down tomcat.
- Upgrade your Java installation to the latest version of Java 7
- Remove the Oracle / SQL Server and MySQL jdbc driver files from $tomcat/lib (the actual names can vary, but be similar to ojdbc16.jar (oracle), sqljdbc4.jar (sql server) and mysql-conector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar (mysql). The correct versions of these files are now included in the PhixFlow webapp.
- Move the live phixflow installation, i.e. the directory $TOMCAT/webapps/phixflow, to an archive location. E.g. on unix/linux: mv $TOMCAT/webapps/phixflow $CV_ARCHIVE/phixflow-<current date>
- Copy the webapps/phixflow directory in the release to $TOMCAT/webapps. E.g. on unix/linux: cp $CV_RELEASE/phixflow_<new release>/webapps/phixflow $TOMCAT/webapps/phixflow
- Copy the following files from the WEB-INF/classes directory in the archive of the live installation, e.g. $CV_ARCHIVE/phixflow-<current date>/WEB-INF/classes, to $TOMCAT/webapps/phixflow/WEB-INF/classes:
- phixflow-datasource.xml
- phixflow-instance.xml
- phixflow-email.xml
- phixflow-domains.xml
- log4j.properties
- Ensure all migration scripts are run in sequence from prior version to this version e.g.:
- for Oracle users: @@$CV_RELEASE/phixflow_<newrelease>/schema/oracle/migration/X.Y/migrate_schema_from_x_y_z_to_X_Y_Z.sql
- for SQL Server users: from directory $CV_RELEASE\phixflow_<newrelease>\schema\sql_server\migration\X.Y run:
- sqlcmd -S cvServer\cvInstanceName -U cview -P cview -i migrate_schema_from_x_y_z_to_X_Y_Z.sql -v dbName="cview"
- Re-start tomcat.
- Upgrade is complete
To Rollback an Upgrade
The upgrade can be rolled back immediately after it has been completed, if necessary. These are the steps to rollback:
- Re-install the pre-upgrade release: copy the pre-upgrade release stored in the archive area back into tomcat. E.g. cp $CV_ARCHIVE/phixflow-<current date> $TOMCAT/webapps/phixflow (overwriting the recently installed upgrade of PhixFlow).
- Restore the database from the most recent backup taken before the upgrade.
Bug Fixes
Configuration Export/Import
The maximum size of file that can be imported has been increased to 1Gb.
Many unnecessary or over-strict validation checks, which were carried out when importing configuration data, have been removed.
, multiple selections available,
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