There are several things that happen when you create an application.
- PhixFlow creates all the folders in the repository that your project will need.
This includes a default menu. You can find the menu in the repository → Menus branch →application_name
When you add the first option to the menu, it is automatically displayed on the right of the menu bar at the top of the PhixFlow window; see Menu. - The template that you select is added to your application's Packages folder.
The template includes the palettes that will give your application a consistent design. - The template sets default properties for your application:
- formats for dates and numbers
- the palette and components to use for forms, data fields and cards
- the styles for data grids
- the default action.
You can change all the properties later; see Application properties.
See also
Switch between a card or list layout.
Creating a New Application
To create a new application:
either in the repository → Applications section, click Add New
or, in the Application menu; see The Application Menu, below.
Click the last card, which is the New Application card:
PhixFlow opens the Create Application window. Set the following properties for your application:
Version: a development version number, for example 1.
Description: consider including the purpose of the application and who is responsible for it.
Template: select a template to provide a design theme and to set key properties.
Application Icon: This is the image PhixFlow displays in the card on the application menu. If you do not select an icon, PhixFlow uses a default image.
Either use the drop-down to select an icon that has already been loaded into PhixFlow
Or click to find an image on your file system to load.
Icons for the application menu should be:
up to 100 pixels high
between 100 to 150 pixels wide
Click Create Application. PhixFlow prompts you to load the application. You can work on an application without loading it.
todo-fiona: check with dev - you have to click load to get the app creation process to complete
Application Defaults
The template means that you should be able to see all the defaults that your application will use in the application properties. You can change override the defaults set by the template by changing property.
PhixFlow uses the defaults set in System Configuration if your application does not have defaults set for:
- dates and numbers
- data grid styles.
Application Menu
Applications are listed as cards.
The Application menu displays the applications:
- that have been configured to appear on menu
- and that you have permission to use.
The repository → Applications branch displays the applications that you have permission to use.
To redisplay the application menu, in the top left of the PhixFlow window click:
- either the menu Application
- or the , if it appears.
Each application card also has a More Optionspop-up menu; see Application for details.