Users and privileges, either in PhixFlow or by integrating with external login systems; see User Administration. For integratation with other authentication systems, see:
Configure Active Directory Integration: users are authenticated using one or more Active Directory servers in addition to users that are defined locally within the PhixFlow database.
Configure SAML Integration: map the PhixFlow user groups to user groups in your existing single-sign-on system.
Use task plans to schedule tasks that maintain the PhixFlow system. The system task includes processes that clear the data from incomplete stream sets. It is important to run a system task daily, or at a minimum weekly. We recommend that you add a system task to a task plan that is scheduled to run daily
configure a stand-by webapp to shadow the active webapp. The standby webapp will automatically take over in the event that the active server fails; see Configuring for Resilience.
monitor PhixFlow processes, tasks and user activity; see System Monitoring
prepare server machines for installing or upgrading to a new version of PhixFlow;