Either select one of the listed screens; Remember you can change the view from card to list.
Screens tabs
Component Categories
Click Create New to create a new screen.
Select a screen template. This will give you pre-set layouts such as:
full screen or popup
Basic screen layout, such as data grid or form
desktop or mobile
Enter the name for the screen and click Confirm.
PhixFlow opens a new screen canvas on the left and the palette on the right.
To add components to the screen, drag them in from the palette.
Make sure the ERD and Screen incontext screen text is OK and following the same standards
Screen options - Windows control
How do you select Full screen or popup
Layers icon
As you add components to the screen, some are nested. Parents and children. You can see this in the layers panel on the left. Click the layers tab on the left to show the layers list.
For example on the right.
Select something on your screen to see it/them highlighted in the layers list.
Selected items outlined in blue
Parent item outlined in orange.
On the screen, the parent, container component is also highlighted.