Stream views allow you to present data from a stream in the form you wish:
Reports can be sent out from PhixFlow by emailing the output of a File Exporter, a Task Plans , or a Dashboard.
The following fields are configured for stream views:
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the stream view. By default, a space will be included before each capital letter. For example, the name CustSpendAverage will be displayed in the column heading as Cust Spend Average . |
Display Type | A number of chart types are available:
Default Sort Order | If specified, the default order in which data should be displayed. See Stream View Sort Order. |
Default Filter | Any filter on the stream can be selected as the default filter for this view. |
Background Filter | Any filter on the stream can be selected as the background filter for this view. When the user opens this view the background filter is applied first and any other filter applied to the view (either specifically created/selected by the user or automatically applied as the default filter described above) applied on top of the background filter. |
Default Action Changed to Double-click Action | The action that will be applied when users double-click on a row in a data grid. Often this is an update action - that allows users (if they have permissions to run the action) to update the record. But you can make this open a read-only detailed view of the record if that is more useful for most users. See Action. ??TOCHECK |
Drag Type | The drag type that will be used when dragging data from this stream view. See Drag Types and Drop Targets. |
Enable Filter Picker | |
Form View |
Include History Records |
This section only appears for pivot views. See Pivot Views, below.
A list of attributes displayed in the view, or to build a chart. Click to bring up a list of attributes for the stream, and drag the attributes you want to add to the view into this list.
For each attribute, the following fields are shown:
Field | Description | ||
A list of attributes displayed in the view, or to build a chart. Press For each attribute, the following fields are shown: | |||
Order | The order in which the attributes will appear in the view. For a grid view, this is the order of columns. | ||
Name | The display name of the attribute in the view. By default, this is the same as the name of the attribute in the underlying stream. Remember that if you are applying an Aggregate Function to the attribute, it is often useful to reflect that in the display name. For example: you are going to display the average monthly spend for each customer, by applying the aggregate function Average to the attribute | ||
Aggregate Function | You can specify an Aggregate Function on this attribute. As soon as you have specified a single aggregate attribute in your view, any other fields will be either aggregate attributes - if you also specify an aggregate function for them - or used as grouping attributes. | ||
Role | This option is available if the view is a chart, i.e. not a data grid. This is the role that the field has in generating the chart. You can set the role manually in the stream view attribute editor - but it is generally better to create charts using the visual editor. To do this:
You will see a visual chart editor. You can drag stream attributes onto this editor to create your chart. See Pivot Views and Charts, below. | ||
Action | Specify a Stream Action for this Stream View Attribute. If this is a grid view then hovering the mouse over a cell a column created from this Stream View Attribute will cause a cog to appear. Clicking the cog select the row which contains the cell you have clicked, then will run this action. | ||
Always Show The Action Icon | This check box is only available if an Action is specified.
| ||
Hide the Input Field | This check box is only available if an Action is specified.
| ||
Hide the Action Icon | This check box is only available if an Action is specified.
| ||
Action Icon Style | The style applied to the action icon. If no style is set, PhixFlow uses a default cog icon. | ||
Stream Attribute Details | |||
Name | The name of the underlying stream attribute. | ||
Type | The type of the underlying stream attribute. This cannot be edited here. It must be edited in the stream. See Stream. | ||
Number Format | This field is only available when the underlying stream attribute has the type Float, Integer or Decimal. Specify the number format as it will be displayed on a grid or form; see Number Format. | ||
Date/Time Format | This field is only available when the underlying stream attribute has the type Date or Datetime. Specify the format of a date/time as it will be displayed on a grid or form; see Date Time Format. | ||
Drop-Down Settings | |||
Allow Empty Row | |||
Cache Data | |||
Selection Stream View | The stream view that will be displayed as a drop-down for the table cell. | ||
Drop-Down Value Field | A custom field to be used for getting cell value from the drop-down. | ||
Mappings | A list of additional mappings which can be used to set values of more table cells (columns) using this drop-down. | ||
Grid Settings | |||
These settings are only available for view attributes for grid and pivot views. | |||
Grid Default Width (pixels) | Set the default width of the column for this attribute. PhixFlow will create the grid with default column widths - you only need to specify a value in this field if the width you want is different from this default. | ||
Label | An optional label for the resulting column header. If left blank, this is the Name of the stream view attribute, formatted with a space before each capital letter. The label gives you more options for setting the column header - for example, control over the white space in the column heading - but you can also make this an expression. For example, to that the column contains transactions for the currently logged in user, you could use:
For user
To use an expression in this field, tick the box Label is Expression. Multi-level labels can be generated by configuring the Label to return a list of values. | ||
Label is Expression | |||
Changes Row Colour | |||
Always Hidden |
Use this option when you need to include a field in a view for a filter or Action, but displaying it would make the view cluttered. | ||
Hide if evaluates to True | Enter an expression that determines whether or not the attribute's field is displayed on the view. When the expression evaluates to true, then the field will be hidden. When Always Hidden is ticked, the result of this expression is ignored. | ||
Alignment | Set the alignment of values in this column to:
| ||
Form Settings | |||
These settings are only available for form views - that is, grid views that have Form View ticked. | |||
Read Only | This makes the field read-only in the form view. | ||
Height On Form (pixels) | Sets the height of the form field for this attribute. PhixFlow will create the form field with a default height - you only need to specify a value in this field if the height you want is different from this default. | ||
Width On Form (pixels) | Sets the width of the form field for this attribute. PhixFlow will create the form field with a default width - you only need to specify a value in this field if the width you want is different from this default. | ||
Multiline on Form | |||
Selection View Attribute | This sets the drop-down list from which the user can pick a value. Drag the stream view attribute that you want to use for the drop-down list into this field. The Show the drop-down button option must be ticked to display the drop-down. When a user is entering or updating data using a form view, you can use the internal variable _form to use a value already entered in the form in the filter on a selection view. That is, the values that appear in a drop-down list will be governed by values they have entered so far in the form. See Configuring Pivot Details on the View below, for an example of configuring selection view attributes. If another stream view attribute has a Selection View Attribute set and has Show the drop-down button set to yes, then it is possible to set the current stream view attribute from the same selection view without a further drop-down list. Drag the stream view attribute that you want to use to set this stream view attribute into this field Drag the attribute out of the field to delete the contents of the Selection View Attribute. | ||
Show the drop-down button | See Selection View Attribute above. | ||
Formatting Rules | |||
A list of the formatting rules that apply to this field in the view. This section only appears when you are configuring a grid or pivot view. All formatting rules whose Rule Expression evaluates to true will be applied to the field in the grid. However, you can tick Stop if True so that, if a rule evaluates to true, no styles that follow this in the list of rules will be applied - regardless of the result of their Rule Expression. For each formatting rule, set the following fields: | |||
Rule Expression | An expression to govern whether this rule will be applied to this field in the grid. If this expression evaluates to true, the rule will be applied. | ||
Style | Select a style from the drop-down list, or create a new style. | ||
Order | The order in which the formatting rules are applied. | ||
Enabled | Whether the rule is currently active. | ||
Stop if True | |||
Description | A description of the formatting rule. | ||
Refresh Actions | |||
A list of Refresh Actions which are all the actions that, following their execution, will cause this view to be refreshed. To add a Refresh Action go to a Stream's Actions tab and drag actions into this tab. The stream does not have to be the parent of this stream view. | |||
Menu Items | |||
A list of the buttons, menus and sub-menus that will be presented on this view - which buttons are available to users depends on whether they have permissions to run these actions. Only actions that belong to the parent stream can be added to a view. There are three ways to add Lists and Buttons:
For each button you set the following fields: | |||
Name | The internal name of the action button. This name will be used to refer to this button in other configuration objects | ||
Display Name | The name that will be presented to users when they open the form. | ||
Order | The order that the button will be shown in the banner of the form, or, if the button is on a list (a menu or sub-menu), the order the button will appear in that list. | ||
Description | A description of the action button. | ||
Drop Targets | |||
A list of the Drop Targets that this view will contain. To add a drop target, click on the + button at the top of the grid. For each Drop Target you set the following fields: | |||
Name | The name of the drop target | ||
Drag Type | The drag type that this drop type is listening for | ||
Action | The action that will run when something of the chosen drag type is dropped onto this stream view | ||
Filters | |||
The list of filters which will be available to users in the drop-down list of filters on the view. There are two ways to add a filter to this list:
| |||
Access Permissions For details about how to control access to a stream view, see Common Properties → Access Permissions. | |||
User Groups | |||
A list of the user groups whose users can see data in this view. This list only appears if All Users Can View Data is unticked. | |||
Advanced | |||
Selection Attribute | This attribute will be used to determine the record selected. This is important when the data will be refreshed while users are looking at it - for example, if they run actions that run task plans to update the data, and which are set as refresh actions (see above). Setting this using a key field of the data means that after the refresh, the same record will be selected as before. | ||
Auto Save |
If a user makes a change to a stream view with Auto Save selected, then clicks | ||
Auto Save Action | Visible only if the 'Auto Save' flag is ticked. Allows the user to define custom Auto Save action which is fired after an another row is clicked. | ||
Row Selection Style | The style that will applied to rows in this view when they are selected. If set, this will override the default selected row style set in the System Configuration. | ||
Select First Row By Default |
| ||
Show Paging Bar | |||
Show Records Count |
| ||
Show Row Number | |||
Always Show the Column Filter Icon |
| ||
Periods | Number of processing periods from the stream to display on the chart. If a full set of data is generated in each period, then this will be 1. If the data is spread across processing periods in the stream - for example, each processing period only contains new data for that day, but we want to plot data across a number of days - then this number must be high enough to include all data of interest to show on a chart. | ||
Default Width | The default width of the view. If empty, the view's width will be set to the system default value. | ||
Default Height | The default height of the view. If empty, the view's height will be set to the system default value. | ||
Allow Multi-Select | |||
Frozen Columns | Number of columns frozen while scrolling the View horizontally. | ||
Excel Template | An Excel template can be linked to the view to specify the format the chart data should be exported in. The location that excel templates must be saved to is specified in the System Configuration. |
Field | Description | ||
View Attributes | |||
A list of attributes displayed in the view, or to build a chart. Press For each attribute, the following fields are shown: | |||
Order | The order in which the attributes will appear in the view. For a grid view, this is the order of columns. | ||
Name | The display name of the attribute in the view. By default, this is the same as the name of the attribute in the underlying stream. Remember that if you are applying an Aggregate Function to the attribute, it is often useful to reflect that in the display name. For example: you are going to display the average monthly spend for each customer, by applying the aggregate function Average to the attribute | ||
Aggregate Function | You can specify an Aggregate Function on this attribute. As soon as you have specified a single aggregate attribute in your view, any other fields will be either aggregate attributes - if you also specify an aggregate function for them - or used as grouping attributes. | ||
Role | This option is available if the view is a chart, i.e. not a data grid. This is the role that the field has in generating the chart. You can set the role manually in the stream view attribute editor - but it is generally better to create charts using the visual editor. To do this:
You will see a visual chart editor. You can drag stream attributes onto this editor to create your chart. See Pivot Views and Charts, below. | ||
Action | Specify a Stream Action for this Stream View Attribute. If this is a grid view then hovering the mouse over a cell a column created from this Stream View Attribute will cause a cog to appear. Clicking the cog select the row which contains the cell you have clicked, then will run this action. | ||
Always Show The Action Icon | This check box is only available if an Action is specified.
| ||
Hide the Input Field | This check box is only available if an Action is specified.
| ||
Hide the Action Icon | This check box is only available if an Action is specified.
| ||
Action Icon Style | The style applied to the action icon. If no style is set, PhixFlow uses a default cog icon. | ||
Stream Attribute Details | |||
Name | The name of the underlying stream attribute. | ||
Type | The type of the underlying stream attribute. This cannot be edited here. It must be edited in the stream. See Stream. | ||
Number Format | This field is only available when the underlying stream attribute has the type Float, Integer or Decimal. Specify the number format as it will be displayed on a grid or form; see Number Format. | ||
Date/Time Format | This field is only available when the underlying stream attribute has the type Date or Datetime. Specify the format of a date/time as it will be displayed on a grid or form; see Date Time Format. | ||
Drop-Down Settings | |||
Allow Empty Row | |||
Cache Data | |||
Selection Stream View | The stream view that will be displayed as a drop-down for the table cell. | ||
Drop-Down Value Field | A custom field to be used for getting cell value from the drop-down. | ||
Mappings | A list of additional mappings which can be used to set values of more table cells (columns) using this drop-down. | ||
Grid Settings | |||
These settings are only available for view attributes for grid and pivot views. | |||
Grid Default Width (pixels) | Set the default width of the column for this attribute. PhixFlow will create the grid with default column widths - you only need to specify a value in this field if the width you want is different from this default. | ||
Label | An optional label for the resulting column header. If left blank, this is the Name of the stream view attribute, formatted with a space before each capital letter. The label gives you more options for setting the column header - for example, control over the white space in the column heading - but you can also make this an expression. For example, to that the column contains transactions for the currently logged in user, you could use:
For user
To use an expression in this field, tick the box Label is Expression. Multi-level labels can be generated by configuring the Label to return a list of values. | ||
Label is Expression | |||
Changes Row Colour | |||
Always Hidden |
Use this option when you need to include a field in a view for a filter or Action, but displaying it would make the view cluttered. | ||
Hide if evaluates to True | Enter an expression that determines whether or not the attribute's field is displayed on the view. When the expression evaluates to true, then the field will be hidden. When Always Hidden is ticked, the result of this expression is ignored. | ||
Alignment | Set the alignment of values in this column to:
| ||
Form Settings | |||
These settings are only available for form views - that is, grid views that have Form View ticked. | |||
Read Only | This makes the field read-only in the form view. | ||
Height On Form (pixels) | Sets the height of the form field for this attribute. PhixFlow will create the form field with a default height - you only need to specify a value in this field if the height you want is different from this default. | ||
Width On Form (pixels) | Sets the width of the form field for this attribute. PhixFlow will create the form field with a default width - you only need to specify a value in this field if the width you want is different from this default. | ||
Multiline on Form | |||
Selection View Attribute | This sets the drop-down list from which the user can pick a value. Drag the stream view attribute that you want to use for the drop-down list into this field. The Show the drop-down button option must be ticked to display the drop-down. When a user is entering or updating data using a form view, you can use the internal variable _form to use a value already entered in the form in the filter on a selection view. That is, the values that appear in a drop-down list will be governed by values they have entered so far in the form. See Configuring Pivot Details on the View below, for an example of configuring selection view attributes. If another stream view attribute has a Selection View Attribute set and has Show the drop-down button set to yes, then it is possible to set the current stream view attribute from the same selection view without a further drop-down list. Drag the stream view attribute that you want to use to set this stream view attribute into this field Drag the attribute out of the field to delete the contents of the Selection View Attribute. | ||
Show the drop-down button | See Selection View Attribute above. | ||
Formatting Rules | |||
A list of the formatting rules that apply to this field in the view. This section only appears when you are configuring a grid or pivot view. All formatting rules whose Rule Expression evaluates to true will be applied to the field in the grid. However, you can tick Stop if True so that, if a rule evaluates to true, no styles that follow this in the list of rules will be applied - regardless of the result of their Rule Expression. For each formatting rule, set the following fields: | |||
Rule Expression | An expression to govern whether this rule will be applied to this field in the grid. If this expression evaluates to true, the rule will be applied. | ||
Style | Select a style from the drop-down list, or create a new style. | ||
Order | The order in which the formatting rules are applied. | ||
Enabled | Whether the rule is currently active. | ||
Stop if True | |||
Description | A description of the formatting rule. | ||
Refresh Actions | |||
A list of Refresh Actions which are all the actions that, following their execution, will cause this view to be refreshed. To add a Refresh Action go to a Stream's Actions tab and drag actions into this tab. The stream does not have to be the parent of this stream view. | |||
Menu Items | |||
A list of the buttons, menus and sub-menus that will be presented on this view - which buttons are available to users depends on whether they have permissions to run these actions. Only actions that belong to the parent stream can be added to a view. There are three ways to add Lists and Buttons:
For each button you set the following fields: | |||
Name | The internal name of the action button. This name will be used to refer to this button in other configuration objects | ||
Display Name | The name that will be presented to users when they open the form. | ||
Order | The order that the button will be shown in the banner of the form, or, if the button is on a list (a menu or sub-menu), the order the button will appear in that list. | ||
Description | A description of the action button. | ||
Drop Targets | |||
A list of the Drop Targets that this view will contain. To add a drop target, click on the + button at the top of the grid. For each Drop Target you set the following fields: | |||
Name | The name of the drop target | ||
Drag Type | The drag type that this drop type is listening for | ||
Action | The action that will run when something of the chosen drag type is dropped onto this stream view | ||
Filters | |||
The list of filters which will be available to users in the drop-down list of filters on the view. There are two ways to add a filter to this list:
| |||
Access Permissions For details about how to control access to a stream view, see Common Properties → Access Permissions. | |||
User Groups | |||
A list of the user groups whose users can see data in this view. This list only appears if All Users Can View Data is unticked. | |||
Advanced | |||
Selection Attribute | This attribute will be used to determine the record selected. This is important when the data will be refreshed while users are looking at it - for example, if they run actions that run task plans to update the data, and which are set as refresh actions (see above). Setting this using a key field of the data means that after the refresh, the same record will be selected as before. | ||
Auto Save |
If a user makes a change to a stream view with Auto Save selected, then clicks | ||
Auto Save Action | Visible only if the 'Auto Save' flag is ticked. Allows the user to define custom Auto Save action which is fired after an another row is clicked. | ||
Row Selection Style | The style that will applied to rows in this view when they are selected. If set, this will override the default selected row style set in the System Configuration. | ||
Select First Row By Default |
| ||
Show Paging Bar | |||
Show Records Count |
| ||
Show Row Number | |||
Always Show the Column Filter Icon |
| ||
Periods | Number of processing periods from the stream to display on the chart. If a full set of data is generated in each period, then this will be 1. If the data is spread across processing periods in the stream - for example, each processing period only contains new data for that day, but we want to plot data across a number of days - then this number must be high enough to include all data of interest to show on a chart. | ||
Default Width | The default width of the view. If empty, the view's width will be set to the system default value. | ||
Default Height | The default height of the view. If empty, the view's height will be set to the system default value. | ||
Allow Multi-Select | |||
Frozen Columns | Number of columns frozen while scrolling the View horizontally. | ||
Excel Template | An Excel template can be linked to the view to specify the format the chart data should be exported in. The location that excel templates must be saved to is specified in the System Configuration. |
To configure a pivot view, add attributes and set the role of each attribute according to these rules.
Each attribute must be assigned to one of these roles.
Role | Description |
Pivot Column | This field will be used to generate columns in the pivot table. See Configuring Pivot Details on the View below. Formatting of the column headings will be controlled by the formatting options set on this view attribute. A Pivot view must have one and only one Pivot Column attribute. |
Pivot Row | This field will be used to generate the rows of the pivot. A Pivot View can have any number of Pivot Row attributes. |
Pivot Label | If Pivot Column Source == View Data, this attribute provides the pivot column headings. In most cases, the number of values for the pivot label should be exactly the same as the number of values for the pivot column. A Pivot View can have at most one Pivot Column attribute. See Configuring Pivot Details on the View below. |
Pivot Value | The values in this field will be used to generate the data values in the pivot. You must apply an aggregate function (Stream Function) to this attribute - to provide the sum, max, min, etc. of these values for each row and column. A Pivot view must have one and only one Pivot Value attribute. |
Pivot Row Total | Each Pivot Row Total attribute generates a value for each row calculated as an aggregate of the individual pivot column values. The aggregate function can be any single-valued Aggregate Function (Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, Count). A Pivot View can have any number of Pivot Row Total attributes. |
For pivot views, the following section will appear in the view details:
Field | Description | ||
Pivot Column Source | This controls how the field given the role Pivot Column will be used to generate columns in the pivot table. Choose from one of:
| ||
Pivot Column Expr | If Pivot Column Source == Expression, this expression must return either a list of values or a list of pairs of values (the values and corresponding labels). The expression can refer to any lookup pipe that is an input to the parent stream of the view. E.g.
In this example the resulting view displays three pivot columns. The pivot view only displays data where the value of the pivot column attribute equals one of the three quoted values - data that does not match any of the pivot column values is ignored. The pivot column labels are generated from the pivot values using the formatting rules of the Pivot Column field. In particular, the Label expression can be used to generate formatted label values automatically. If no formatting or Label expression is provided, a default label is generated. This is the recommended way of formatting column labels. E.g.
In the second example, the same data is displayed, but the column headers are provided in the second values for each pivot column. This method of setting column labels is not recommended, and is provided for compatibility with existing pivot views. | ||
Maximum Pivot Columns | This is the maximum number of pivot columns that can be displayed. If this is blank, the system-wide default in System Configuration is used. |
For charts, the following section will appear in the view details:
Field | Description |
Show Legend | When a series is used, if this is turned on then a box listing all lines shown, along with the corresponding values, is displayed on the graph. |
Display Legend Below The Chart |
Show Controls | Visible only for Bar Charts. |
Mark Selection | Visible only for Bar Charts. |
Tooltip Number Format | Format Number to be applied to a chart tooltip. |
Colour Map | Select or add a colour map |
Group Spacing | Visible only for Bar Charts. Allows the user to define a custom spacing between bar groups. Can take values between 0-1. |
Horizontal Axis | |
Horizontal Axis Title | The label given to the horizontal axis. |
Title Style | Style of the horizontal axis title. |
Label Angle | The orientation of the values displayed along the horizontal axis. Select a value from the drop-down menu. |
Show Horizontal Gridlines | Whether to show horizontal grid lines on the view |
Horizontal Axis Date Format | Visible only if the X-Axis attribute is Date or DateTime. Allows to define a Date Format for X-Axis value labels. |
Horizontal Axis Number Format | Visible only if the X-Axis attribute is Number. Allows to define a Number Format for X-Axis value labels. |
Text Style | Style of the horizontal axis value labels. |
Vertical Axis | |
Vertical Axis Title | The label given to the vertical axis. |
Title Style | Style of the vertical axis title. |
Minimum Value | Minimum value along the vertical axis to be displayed. This value will be lowest point on the vertical axis if any value in the data plotted falls below this value. Otherwise, the graph will be automatically sized as normal. |
Maximum Value | Maximum value along the vertical axis to be displayed. This value will be the highest point on the vertical axis if any value in the data plotted falls above this value. Otherwise, the graph will be automatically sized as normal. |
Fixed Scale | If fixed scale is turned on, the the maximum value and minimum value defined will always be used as the highest and lowest points on the vertical axis, regardless of the data plotted. |
Show Vertical Gridlines | Whether to show vertical grid lines on the view |
Vertical Axis Number Format | Allows to define a Number Format for Y-Axis value labels. |
Text Style | Style of the vertical axis value labels. |
The following fields only apply for charts of type Line Chart (time). These apply to the horizontal axis, which in this case is a time series:
Field | Description |
Primary Axis Unit | Units for date display along the horizontal axis. Choose a value from the drop-down list. Note, however, that only as many values will be displayed as can comfortably be fitted in the space available. |
Primary Axis Format | Choose a format to display dates along the primary horizontal axis. |
Secondary Axis Unit | Units for an optional, second date display along the horizontal axis. This might be used, for example, to create a graph where the months are shown along the primary horizontal axis (Primary Axis Unit = 'Month', Primary Axis Format = 'Jan, Feb') and the years are shown along a line below this, along the secondary horizontal axis (Secondary Axis Unit = 'Year', Secondary Axis Format = 'Four digit year'). |
Secondary Axis Format | Choose a format to display dates along the secondary horizontal axis, if this is being used. |
The best way to configure the chart attributes is to add the chart to a dashboard, and then use the graphical chart builder in design mode to set the attributes to create the chart you need.
You can, however, set the role of each attribute manually if you wish.
The colours of rows in grid views can be set by creating a stream attribute called gridRowColour
, and adding this to the view. This value will not be shown in the grid.
The value of this attribute must evaluate to either a hexadecimal value representing a colour or to the lower case name of one of the basic HTML colours. Visit to see how hexadecimal values correspond to real colours. The table below lists the basic HTML colour names:
Aqua | Black | Blue | Fuchsia |
Gray | Green | Lime | Maroon |
Navy | Olive | Purple | Red |
Silver | Teal | White | Yellow |
You are recommended to avoid dark colours as they make data in the grid very hard to read.
Show Stream Item Details | Opens a window with all the information contained in that grid row |
Show the Stream View Configuration | Opens the properties tab for the stream view. |
Show the Stream Configuration | Opens the properties tab for the stream. |
Show Attributes for View <viewName> | Opens a list of all of the attributes (column headers) for this stream view. Attributes formatted in italics are present in the stream but are hidden in the grid. To change whether an attribute is hidden or visible, right-click the attribute and select Show this column or Hide this column. |