1.08 Mappings and Connectors
Connectors are the arrows used in Actionflows to connect Action Nodes together, denote the flow of data and specify which data is mapped at each point within the Actionflow.What are Connectors?
Connecting Action Nodes
- Hover your mouse pointer over an action node on the canvas
- On the popup connector icon, select out
- To connect to a new action node, click onto the empty canvas and select which type of action you require from the popup toolbar
- To connect to an existing action node, click onto the existing action node
We use mappings where we want to use data in an action node. All data from the input is passed through all action nodes* in the Actionflow, therefore only the attributes that require editing need to be mapped. *there can be exceptions, e.g. Converge action, Wait action. Connectors link action nodes together, and facilitate the mapping of data from the Output Attributes of one action node to the Input Parameters of another. All Inputs to the Connection Point and all Output Attributes (from previous action nodes in the flow) are available for mapping but only the specific Output Attributes mapped into the Input Parameters of an action node can be used by it. What are Mappings?
The Mappings window opens when two action nodes are connected, and can also be opened by clicking on the connector between two action nodes or by right-clicking and selecting . Open Mappings
Understanding the Mapping Window
Attributes are mapped via connectors using the Mapping window.
Creating Mappings
Mappings are created by dragging and dropping attributes from the Output Attributes (left) of one action node to the Input Parameters (right) of another.
Additional mappings can be created by dropping attributes into the dotted area on the Mappings window, and mappings can be deleted by right-clicking.
Attributes can be edited from the Mappings window by right-clicking the attribute name.
Connecting and Disconnecting Action Nodes
Inserting Action Nodes between existing Action Nodes
Action nodes can be inserted into existing connections and mappings will be retained, although these should be checked.
- Click and drag the action node you wish to insert and hover over the existing connector
- Drop the action node when the icon appears
- PhixFlow will merge the action node into the existing connection
- Any mappings already set on the connector will remain in place between the newly inserted action node and the next action node in the flow
- In the example below, the Invoices connector and mappings moves from between the Insert (Calculate) and Open Invoices (Open Screen) action nodes, to between the Save and Open Invoices (Open Screen) action nodes
Disconnecting Action Nodes
Individual action nodes can be disconnected from an Actionflow, without disconnecting the surrounding action nodes.
- Right-click on a action node and choose Disconnect
- PhixFlow extracts the action node from the connection and reconnects the surrounding action nodes
- Any mappings on the connector between the disconnected action node and the next action node in the flow will transfer to the new connector
- In the example below, the Invoices connector moves from between the Save and Open Invoices (Open Screen) action nodes, to between the Insert(Calculate) and Open Invoices (Open Screen) action nodes
Removing Connectors
- Right-click on a connector and choose Remove Connector
- A red plink appears on the successive action nodes to indicate they are no longer connected