PhixScript Cheat Sheet
PhixScript Cheat Sheet
- Anthony George
- Zoe Baldwin
Owned by Anthony George
Common Functions
There are over 115 functions available and these are listed in Functions, but to help you get started here is a short list of commonly used functions:
- Comments can be added to a single line using
or to a section using/* */
. - if: used where you need to evaluate a simple condition before processing an expression.
- ifNull: If its first value is provided then this is the returned value, else it will return the second value.
- switch: evaluates a set of conditions in turn, and returns the associated result for the first match.
- forEach: Iterates over an Array or Recordset and processes a script for each entry.
- listToString: takes a list and returns a string delimited by a specified value e.g. comma or pipe.
- split: Splits a string where a separator occurs, returning a list of value as an array..
- contains: Used on a string will return true (1), if a string contains another specified string.
- listContains: Used on a list returns the position of an entry in a list (with 1 being the first item) if the value being looked for is found in the list, and false (0) otherwise.
- replaceAll: Replace all occurrences of a pattern with a replacement string. Also, see replaceFirst.
- dateDiff: Return the time difference between two dates in milliseconds.
- dateAdd: Add or subtract from a date using a specified unit e.g. _MONTH.
- now: Returns the current day and time, and today returns just the day.
- _NULL: is how to declare a null value e.g. $output = _NULL.
- substring: Returns the portion of the supplied string between specified character positions.
- stringLength: Returns the length of a string.
- trim: Removes leading and trailing white spaces from a string, returning the cleansed string.
- toString: Converts a value from select data types into a string. For example, a date.
- toDate: Converts a string in a recognised date format (e.g. 20120521 or 20120521.172108) into a date.
- countElements: Returns the number of elements in an Array or Recordset.
Expression Operators
The following relational operators are available:
- ! (not; reverses the value of a logical expression)
- && (and; can also use the attribute function and)
- || (or; can also use the attribute function or)
- > (greater than; can also use the attribute function gt)
- < (less that; can also use the attribute function lt)
- != (not equals; can also use the attribute function ne)
- == (equals; can also use the attribute function eq)
- >= (greater than or equal to; can also use the attribute function ge)
- <= (less than or equal to; can also use the attribute function le)
The following arithmetic operators are available:
- + (add; can also use the attribute function sum)
- - (minus; can also use the attribute function sum, reversing the sign of the second operand)
- / (divide)
- * (multiply)
- debug: Adds a debug message into the System Console. This function is often used when creating a model and trying to work out why an Expression is not behaving as expected.
- error: Adds an error message into the System Console and displays the message to the user.
PhixFlow contains a number of Internal Variables available to PhixScript used for obtaining system and user information.
Variables in PhixFlow are declared using a $variable. The data type is implied by the first value entered, for example:
$myArray = []
. Creates an array.$myString = "Hello World"
. Creates a string.$myDate = toDate("20120521")
. Creates a date.$myNumber = 42
. Creates an integer.