Analysis Model Window and Toolbars

This page is for data modellers who are new to using PhixFlow. It explains the optionsĀ in the analysis model window.

Opening a Model Window

For an introduction to using analysis models, seeĀ Analysis Models for Batch Processing Data.

PhixFlow opens a model in the workspace when you:

  • create a new model from the home screen.
  • display an existing model.

Model Properties

In the repository, double-click on an analysis model's name to open its properties.

To open a model, in its properties toolbar, click theĀ  DisplayĀ button.

For complex processes, the full model of all your data can be split across multiple analysis model diagrams. Model objects, such as tables, can appear in multiple model diagrams. Each diagram represents a view onto the whole data model.

In addition to theĀ Common Properties, analysis models have a Name; seeĀ Analysis Model Properties. They do not have any other properties, as all their content is in the model itself.

Modelling Objects

The toolbar at the top of a model window includes icons for the different objects that you can add to the model. The types of modelling object are data connectors, to load or export data;Ā tables, to process the data, and pipes,Ā to connect the objects.

Drag an object from the toolbar into the model to add a new object of this type.Ā 

You can also drag in existing modelling objects from the repository. For example, to add an existing table:

  1. Open the repository ā†’ TablesĀ branch and find the table.
  2. Drag the table into the model.

Objects in models must be connected by pipes. Hover your mouse pointer over an object to display the popup toolbar and add aĀ  ConnectorĀ to connect two objects.

Usually you add modelling objects that belong to the same application. However, PhixFlow can share modelling objects between applications. When you drag in a modelling object from a different application, PhixFlow adds a small application icon to the top left of the object's icon.

When you make changes to a model, remember to save your changes by clicking theĀ   ApplyĀ button in the model window toolbar.Ā 

Modelling ObjectsĀ 

Ā AnnotationAnnotationsĀ add notes to the canvas, containing descriptions, guidance and grouping.
 Calculate TableA calculate TableĀ (the default).
 Merge TableA mergeĀ Table.
 Aggregate TableAn aggregate Table, which combines data.
 Calculate by Set TableA Calculate-By-Set Table.
 Cartesian TableA cartesian Table.
 HTTP CollectorA HTTP CollectorĀ to import data from an external source via HTTP.
 HTTP DatasourceA HTTP DatasourceĀ to configure a connection to an external source.
 HTTP ExporterA HTTP ExporterĀ to export data to an external source via HTTP.
Database CollectorA Database CollectorĀ import data from an external database.
DatasourceA DatasourceĀ to configure a connection to an external database.
Database ExporterA Database ExporterĀ to export data to an external database.

 File Collector

A File CollectorĀ to import a file from an external source.

 FTP Site

AnĀ FTP SiteĀ to connect to an external file store.

 File Exporter

A File ExporterĀ to export data in a file.

Model Window Toolbar Icons

  Drag Type
The default mode for the cursor in the model window is select. Pressing this button sets the mode to drag. Alternatively, while in select mode, keep the Ctrl key pressed on your keyboard, and with the left mouse button pressed move the pointer.
If you are in drag mode, pressing this button puts you back into select mode (the default mode when you open a new model window). While in select mode, keeping the left mouse button pressed and dragging over an area of the window, you can select several items in the model. Press the Alt key on your keyboard to include Pipes in the selection.
 Align to Grid
Organise selected objects in a grid.
 Align Objects to Left
Align all selected objects left.
 Align Objects to Right
Align all selected objects right.
 Align Objects to Top
Align all selected objects to top.
 Align to base
Align all selected objects to bottom.
 Distribute Objects Horizontally
Distribute all selected objects horizontally.
 Distribute Objects Vertically
Distribute all selected objects vertically.
 All Pipes
Show all pipes on the model.
 Analysis Pipes
Show only analysis (non-action) pipes on the model.
 Action Pipes

Show only action pipes on the model. These are pipes that are marked asĀ Action PipesĀ on the pipe's Properties tab, which is used to indicate that the pipe is used in aĀ table-action. SeeĀ Table-Action and Pipe.

Model Window OptionsDescription
Show model properties.
 Zoom Out
Zoom out to see more of the model, with smaller text.
 Zoom In
Zoom in to see a smaller area of the model, with larger text.


Save the changes to the model.
Update the model to the last saved model layout. This clears any unsaved changes.Ā 
Close the window.

Modelling Object Popup ToolbarĀ 

In the model, hover your mouse pointer over any object to display a popup toolbar. The popup toolbar some of the same buttons that appear in the menu bar, described above. It also provides the following buttons:


Make this object static. When you run analysis, this object and any data it carries are not changed.

Ā Ā Ā 

Disable or enable this object.
 Show Attributes

Bring up a list of attributes for the object. Attributes can be selected from this list and dragged into an attribute list window for another object, so this is useful when building new objects in the model.

 Show view

Show the list of views configured on this object.

 Show Recordsets

Show the list of recordsets for this object; seeĀ Managing Recordsets.

Ā Show Inputs

Add to the model all objects that are inputs to this object.

Ā Show Outputs

Add to the model all objects that are outputs of this object.

 Run Analysis

Run the analysis process on this object. All objects required to build the object selected will be run, but only these objects. This means PhixFlow may:

  • run analysis on objects that are not in the model
  • not run analysis on some of the objects that are in the model.


Erase this object from the model. This object still exists in the repository, and it's data is available to any other object that refers to it.

Modelling Object Popup Menu

Right-click on a modelling object to display its popup menu. This includes many of the same options as in the menu bar or the popup toolbar. Some addition options are also available:

Popup Menu OptionDescription
 Copy Object
Create a copy of the object.
 Create new input table
Add a new table with a pipe that connects into the selected object.
 Show all Predecessors
Add all objects that are used to build this object in the underlying model.
 Show All Successors
Add all objects that use this object in the underlying model.

RollbackĀ Table

Rollback data in the table. This opens the Rollback Recordsets form.


Permanently delete the object from the underlying model in PhixFlow. This removes the object from PhixFlow completely.

Only do this if you are certain that you never want to use this object again.

Model Window Popup Menu

Right-click anywhere on the model window to display the popup menu:

  • Rollback Selected Objects: Rollback the data in the currently selected recordsets in the table
  • Copy Selected Objects: Create copies of the currently selected objects
  • Delete Selected Objects: Delete selected objects
  • Enable Selected Objects: Enable selected objects
  • Disable Selected Objects: Disable selected objects
  • Switch The Static Flag On In The Selected Objects: Switch the 'static' flag on in the currently selected tables and pipes
  • Switch The Static Flag Off In The Selected Objects: Switch the 'static' flag off in the currently selected tables and pipes

Moving a Model Window

As models get bigger, you may find that model window only shows part of the model. If part of the model is off-screen, PhixFlow will display arrows:

Ā Ā Ā 

Use the arrows to move the model window to show different parts of the model. Alternatively, you can drag the model around in the model window.

Keyboard Support

If you are in select mode , there are keyboard commands available:

  • Ctrl:
    • either switch to drag mode (move the pointer with the left mouse button pressed)
    • or select multiple items (click left mouse button on items).
  • Alt: Include pipes in selection.

Sections on this page

Learn More

For links to all pages in this topic, seeĀ Analysis Models for Batch Processing Data.

Terminology changes in progress

As part of the redesign of PhixFlow, we are changing the following terms:

dashboard → screen   
stream → table
stream attributes → attributes
stream item → record
stream set → recordset
stream view → view
stream item action → record-action 
stream action → table-action
driver class → database driver