FTP Site

This page is for data modellers who want to export files using FTP.


An FTP site can be set up to send files generated by a File Exporter, or retrieve files using a File Collector, via FTP.

To add a new FTP site object to an analysis model:

  1. Go to the model's toolbar → Create group.
  2. Click  File to expand the menu.
  3. Drag a  FTP Site onto the analysis model.

To add an existing FTP site object to an analysis model:

  1. Go to the model toolbar → List group.
  2. Click  File to expand the menu.
  3. Click  FTP Site to open the list of available FTP sites.
  4. Drag an FTP site into the analysis model.

Property Pane Toolbar

For information about the toolbar options, see the Common Properties page, Toolbars and Controls section.

 Properties Tab

Parent Details

If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.

Basic Settings

The FTP Type, FTP Mode, SSL Security and SFTP Ciphers are standard FTP concepts.

NameThe name of the FTP Site.
EnabledWhether or not the FTP Site is enabled to run.
UsernameThe name of the user that will be used to create a connection with the FTP server.

Available when FTP Type is Plain or SSL. Also available when FTP Type is SSH AND Authentication Mode is Password (PhixFlow version 11.3+).

The password that will be used to create a connection with the FTP server.

Server AddressThe address of the destination server.
FTP TypeSelect an option from:
  • Plain
  • SSH (secure transfer using FTP over SSH)
  • SSL (secure transfer using FTP-SSL)
These are standard FTP options, and will be described in any good reference for FTP.
PortOptional field to specify a Port Number, if required. 
FTP Mode

Available when FTP Type is Plain or SSL.

Select an option from:

  • Active
  • Passive
SSL Security

Available when FTP Type field is SSL.

Select an option from:

  • Implicit
  • Explicit
SFTP Cipher

Available when FTP Type field is SSH.

For secure file transfer, PhixFlow automatically uses current ciphers (listed below). If your SSH server uses deprecated ciphers, enter a comma-separated list of all the ciphers you want to use. The order that you enter the ciphers indicates the order of preference. PhixFlow uses the first cipher that is listed and is available to encrypt/decrypt the files it transfers.

Enter a list of ciphers, in order of preference, that you want PhixFlow to use for secure file transfer. The list can include:

  • current ciphers
    • 3des-ctr
    • aes128-ctr
    • aes192-ctr
    • aes256-ctr
  • deprecated ciphers
    • 3des-cbc
    • blowfish-cbc.

Authentication Mode

(Available in PhixFlow version 11.3+)

Available when FTP Type field is SSH.

Choose from:

  • Password: enter a password in the above Password field
  • Private Key: Use to connect to SFTP servers using a RSA private key, with optional passphrase support. Enter private key details in the below Private Key and Private Key Password fields

Private Key

(Available in PhixFlow version 11.3+)

Available when FTP Type field is SSH AND Authentication Mode is Private Key.

Paste your RSA formatted private key here.

Private Key Password

(Available in PhixFlow version 11.3+)

Available when FTP Type field is SSH AND Authentication Mode is Private Key.

This field is optional. Enter the passphrase for your private key if it is encrypted.

Analysis Models

If this item is used by an analysis model, its name is listed here. See the Common Properties page, Analysis Model section for more details.


We recommend that you always enter a description to explain the purpose of this item.

 Audit Tab

Audit Summary

See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

How to use SFTP with Private Key Authentication

  1. Select SSH as your FTP Type
  2. Choose Private Key as your Authentication Mode
  3. Paste your RSA formatted private key into the Private Key field
  4. If your private key is encrypted with a passphrase, enter the passphrase in the Private Key Password field

Sections on this page

  Learn More

For links to all pages in this topic, see Analysis Models