Screen Element

This page is for application designers who want different parts of the screen backed by different data views.


For new features related to binding data to parts of a screen, see Adding Screen Content.

To bind different parts of the screen with different data views, you can:

  • either add data-backed components, such as a form, card, chart, graph or grid
  • or create screen elements that act as the parent to other components, such as areas or fields.

To create screen elements:

  1. Right-click the screen to show the context menu
  2. Use the Add Area... options. PhixFlow automatically creates dividers on the screen.
  3. From the palette, drag in the components you require. PhixFlow automatically creates screen elements as a container for the components.

In the repository, the components you drag in are listed both:

  • as children of the Screen (screen elements)
  • as parents in the list of Components.

Data views that are bound to a screen have parameters like short names (aliases). You can use these parameters in expressions to refer to records or data points selected on those views. You can also refer to a data range and or filter to control the list of records shown by the view. Use the screen element properties to change those parameters from their default values, which are taken from the original view.

Property Pane Toolbar

For information about the toolbar options, see the Common Properties page, Toolbars and Controls section.

 Properties Tab

Parent Details

If this item is within or belongs to another, its parent name is shown here. See the Parent Details section on the Common Properties page for more details.

NameName of the screen element.
Name of targetName of the view backing this screen element.

Data Retrieval Options

Refresh If Not ActiveIf ticked, the screen will refresh even if not active. This means a change in the selection in a driving view causes this screen to refresh. Otherwise it will refresh as soon as it becomes active.
Use Custom Data Range Untick to use the default data range, which is set in the Stream → Basic Settings → Data Range property.

 Tick to override the setting in the backing stream. PhixFlow shows the Data Range property.

Data Range

Available when Use Custom Data Range is ticked.

Select which recordset data is displayed.

  • Latest: displays the records from the latest recordset only. Recommended when recordsets are updated by batch process, and therefore have a Period of Daily or Monthly
  • All: displays the records from all recordsets. Recommended when recordsets are updated incrementally and therefore have a Period of Transactional or Variable.

This value is used instead of the data range specified on the table that is bound to the screen element.  

Use Custom Default Filter

If you tick the check box, you can choose a default filter. This will override the default filter set in the original view, if one has been set.

Default FilterThe default filter applies to this screen view.
Refresh When Screen Refreshes?

Select one of:

  • Always
  • Never
  • Always except on first load

Header Options

Display Export ButtonToggle the export button on the view in the screen.
Display Filter ButtonToggle the filter button on the view in the screen.
Display Paging ButtonToggle the paging button on the view in the screen.
Display Refresh ButtonToggle the refresh button on the view in the screen.
Display Sort Order ButtonToggle the sort order button on the view in the screen.

Background Filter Rules

Evaluate These Filter Rules as an OrTicking this field means that the background filter rules will be combined as an "or" filter as opposed to an "and" filter
Background Filter RulesA grid of background filter rules which are combined together (usually as an and conjunction) to create the background filter for the screen element.
Background Filter Rules have the Following attributes:
Rule Expression The Expression for this Filter rule, if it evaluates to true then the filter associated with this filter rule will be used.
FilterThe Filter that will be used should the Rule Expression evaluate to true.
OrderThe order in which the filter rules for this screen element will be evaluated.

If not true, this filter will not be used.

Stop If TrueIf true and the Rule Expression evaluates to true then any subsequent filter rules will not evaluated.
DescriptionA description of the filter rule.

 Audit Tab

Audit Summary

See the Common Properties page, Audit Summary section.

Sections on this page

Learn More

For links to all pages in this topic, see Screens.