
Function: error()

Adds a error message into the Log and displays the message to the user. This function is often used when creating a model and trying to work out why an Expression is not behaving as expected.

The Detail field of the Log Message will contain a list of the current values of any Attributes, Pipes and $-Variables which are relevant in the context of the Expression.



messageStringA message to appear in the Log. Note that this could be an Expression.


This example adds a message to the Log if no rate is found.

ifNull ( in.rate, error("Missing rate") )

In this example, an error() message is recorded in the log directly before the processing of records is stopped. This is useful where an error message is required in the logs and the processing must stop.

		error("Missing rate value")
		stop("Processing being stopped")

Process Functions



Stops the processing and records a warning in the logs. Can be placed after an error to stop the processing.


Continues processing, records an error in the logs, and displays the message in a popup to the user. 
systemError()It is the same as error() but with no error popup.


Continues processing, records a warning in the logs, and displays the message in a popup to the user. 


It is the same as warning() but with no warning popup.
infoContinues processing and records the debug message in the logs.
debugContinues processing and records the debug message in the logs.

See Also