Open URL Action Configuration
What is an Open URL Action?
The action Open URLopens a URL in a new tab. This action node can also be configured to send emails and call telephone numbers.
The action node contains three input parameters, which can be mapped onto: Open URL
For the full list of Open URL , see PropertiesOpen URL Action Properties.
Creating Open URL Actions
- Click and drag the Open URL icon in the toolbar onto the canvas
- Enter a name for the Open URL action, then select Create Action
- In the Open URL Action on the right, the available Input Parameters can be seen Properties
Opening a Webpage Example
Sending an Email Example
Calling a Telephone Number Example
Worked Example
Here's a worked example using the School Data (available from the Learning Centre).
In this example, we are using:
- A Teacher Management screen containing a grid of the School Teachers data - this screen was created using the Tile with Buttons template
If you are completing this chapter as part of the Actionflow course and using a training instance, this data has already been pre-loaded into the Actionflow Foundation Application. For this example, we'll be working on the Teachers data on the Teacher Management screen.
We want an icon in the Teachers grid, on the Teacher Management screen, to open a webpage when clicked. To do this, we will configure an Open URL Action that opens a specified URL when the user clicks an icon.
Open URL Action to Open Webpage
Setup the Input
- On the Teacher Management screen, where the Actionflow will be initiated from, click on the attribute, Find Address, on the grid (column header) to open the View Attribute Properties
- Click on the Actions tab
- Here you will find a blank Actionflow, FindAddress, along with the Action Icon Style you can see in the grid:
- Click on the Actionflow link, , to open the blank Actionflow
- Select Click to Connect and for the input, choose the School_Teachers View datasource, then select Connect Input
- On the Mappings window, drag the attribute, Address, from the left (Teachers View) into the Drag and Drop area on the right (Input Connection Point)
- Select Save
- Click and drag the Open URL icon from the toolbar onto the canvas
- In the Create Open URL Action window enter:
- Name:
Open Map
- Select Create Action
- Name:
Click and drag the Open URL action node
icon onto the
Setup the Calculate and Open URL Action
We need to add a Calculate Action to the FindAddress Actionflow because the attribute data we want to use for our Open URL node is not in a URL format. We will use a calculate node to turn our address data into a Google maps search.
- Click and drag the Calculate icon from the toolbar onto the canvas
- In the Create Calculate Action window enter:
- Name:
Add Prefix
- Select Create Action
- Name:
Drag the Add Prefix Calculate Action node onto the in connector between the input node and the Open URL Open Map action node and drop it when the icon appears
- Right-click on the in connector between the and select Calculate Open Mappings input node and the
- On the Mappings window, drag the Address attribute from the left into the Drag and Drop area on the right (calculate action)
- Select Save
- Click on the Add Prefix Calculate Action to open its and in the Output Attributes section click Properties
- Create the following attribute:
- Name:
- Type: choose String
Select Apply and Close
- Name:
Right-click on the in connector between the action and the Calculate action and select Open URL Open Mappings
On the Mappings window, drag the PrefixedAddress attribute from the left (Calculate Action) onto the URL input parameter on the right (Open URL Action)
Select Save
- Close the Actionflow to return to the Teacher Management screen
- the screen and press the Lock icon for a recordto see the Actionflow in action
- We can see that the Actionflow is working because a new tab will open in your browser, with the teacher's address line in a Google maps search