


In general, there is no need to edit the actionflow properties as the configuration is done in the actionflow diagram. The diagram comprises two primary areas:

  1. Connection Points: on the left define the input, lookups and outputs for the actionflow.
    1. Inputs: Configure the component or event that will trigger the actionflow. PhixFlow lists the inputs in the Properties tab  →  Input Connection Points section.
    2. Lookup: Configure the retrieval of information from the component or other items from the same source e.g. a screen.  
    3. Output: If an Actionflow has an output as a result of running, configure what to do with the outputs. PhixFlow lists the inputs in the Properties tab  →  Output Connection Points section.
  2. Canvas: In the centre add the actionflow nodes to create the required functionality.
    An actionflow can be nested within another actionflow (see Actionflow Node). This is useful to reuse existing actionflows, or to refactor a complex workflow.

For details on how to configure actionflows; see Understanding Actionflows and Creating Actionflows.

 Properties Tab

Basic Settings

Expect literal values or expressions encapsulated within ${} syntax, for example ${in.MyValue}. A worked example of the JSON Action is provided at the end of this page.

FieldDescriptionExample Value
NameName given to the actionflow.MyJSONReader

Show in Repository

Exclusion Group

API End-Point

Allow Anonymous Connections


Input Connection Points

This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

The grid contains a list of the inputs that can initiate this actionflow instance.

  • To change an input connection point, use the actionflow diagram's left panel.
  • To edit the properties of an existing input connection point, double-click it's name in the list to open its properties; see Input Connection Points.
  • To delete an input connection point from the properties, the actionflow diagram and the repository, select it in the list and in the section toolbar, click  Delete.
    Refresh the actionflow diagram to reflect this change.

Output Connection Points

This section has a toolbar with standard buttons.

The grid contains a list of the outputs from this actionflow instance.

  • To change the output connection point, use the actionflow diagram's left panel.
  • To edit the properties of an existing output connection point, double-click it's name in the list to open its properties; see Output Connection Points.
  • To remove an output connection point from the properties, the actionflow diagram and the repositoryselect it in the list and in the section toolbar, click  Delete.  
    Refresh the actionflow diagram to reflect this change.