

Function: lookup()

Triggers a lookup on a specified pipe.

Function sets up $-Variables that are used in the pipe, database and file collector expressions to retrieve data down the pipe.

$-Variables that are set are only available whilst the attribute expression is being processed.


lookup(pipeName, expressionVariableN)

pipeNameStringPipe the lookup is to be performed on.
expressionVariableNVariable or ExpressionVariables to be used in the pipe, database collector, file collector or index expressions to retrieve the correct resultset.


lookup(in, $num)

Performs a lookup down the in pipe. The value held in the $num variable will be used to evaluate the expression in which $num is used in, e.g. pipe or collector expression.

lookup(in, $num = _out.BNumber)

Performs a lookup down the in pipe. The value held in the $num variable is set to equal the BNumber of the current candidate set being processed. This will be used to evaluate the expression in which $num is used in, e.g. pipe or collector expression.

lookup(in, $num = _out.BNumber, $band = _out.BandingModel)

Performs a lookup down the in pipe. The values held in the $num and $band variables are set to equal the BNumber and BandingModel values of the current candidate set being processed. These will be used to evaluate the expression in which $num and $band are used in, e.g. pipe or collector expression.

See Also