Analysis Modelling

CenterView Help

Analysis Modelling

What Is Analysis Modelling?

Models are the graphical representation of the analysis that will be carried out by the CenterView Analysis Engine. Analysis Models define how data is collected, transformed, exported and viewed. Analysis Models are created by opening a new modelling screen and adding processing steps. These steps define data collection from databases or files, analysis of that data and then alarm generation based on failure (or success) conditions.

The Analysis Engine is the main back-end process in CenterView that performs all stream calculations, data collections, raises alarms and builds charts and dashboards. The Analysis Engine starts whenever the generation of a stream or alarms is requested. This can be triggered in three ways:

  • An ad-hoc request from the stream navigator or alarm generator navigator, by right-clicking on the stream or alarm generator and selecting Run Analysis.
  • An ad-hoc request from a model pane, by pressing the button Run Analysis from the hover menu of a stream or alarm generator.
  • By a task plan.

The best way to get started with modelling is to watch the QuickStart guide to Modelling in CenterView.

When the Analysis Engine starts, messages are displayed in the System Console. You can bring the system console up at any time by pressing the Admin button and selecting System Console. The Analysis Engine calculation relies on many aspects of configuration in CenterView, in particular:


Timing Cycle


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