PhixFlow Help

Standard Upgrade Instructions

These are the general steps that you should always follow when upgrading and existing PhixFlow instance from one release to another.

Some releases contain special instructions.

When planning an upgrade, please check the special instructions for each intermediate release and follow the additional steps as indicated.


Before Upgrading

Check the pre-requisites for the release and that you will be able to perform the necessary upgrades if there have been any changes to minimum versions.

The pre-requisites include:

  • Java
  • Tomcat
  • Database

See the main release notes for the specific release for detailed requirements.


Backup your Database

Ensure that you have a recent full backup of your database. If, for any reason, you need to rollback (see "Rollback Upgrade" below), your PhixFlow configuration and data will revert to this point.

Stop Tomcat

Stop Tomcat. PhixFlow will not be available to users until the upgrade is complete.


If necessary, upgrade to supported versions of Java, Tomcat and Oracle, SQL Server or MySQL / MariaDB.

See above for details.

Unzip the PhixFlow Release

Unzip the PhixFlow release package into a temporary directory.

We will refer to the new PhixFlow release as $RELEASE.

Install the new Webapp into Tomcat

Move the live phixflow installation, i.e. the directory $TOMCAT/webapps/phixflow, to an archive location.

E.g. on unix/linux: mv $TOMCAT/webapps/phixflow $ARCHIVE/phixflow-<current date>

Copy $RELEASE/webapp/phixflow to $TOMCAT/webapps.

E.g. on unix/linux: cp $RELEASE/webapp/phixflow $TOMCAT/webapps/phixflow

Copy the following files from the WEB-INF/classes directory in the archive of the live installation into the corresponding directry in the new phixflow webapp:

  • phixflow-datasource.xml
  • phixflow-instance.xml
  • phixflow-domains.xml

E.g. copy $CV_ARCHIVE/phixflow-<current date>/WEB-INF/classes, to $TOMCAT/webapps/phixflow/WEB-INF/classes

Upgrade the Database

Run all migration scripts run in sequence from the starting version to this version e.g.:

E.g. for Oracle users:

cd $RELEASE/schema/oracle/migration/X.Y
sqlplus myUsername/myPassword @migrate_schema_from_x_y_z_to_X_Y_Z.sql

E.g. for SQL Server users:

cd $RELEASE/schema/sqlserver/migration/X.Y
sqlcmd -S myServer\myInstance -U myUsername -P myPassword -d myDatabase -i migrate_schema_from_x_y_z_to_X_Y_Z.sql


Please note that some of the scripts can generate warning messages. One example of this is Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures. These warning messages are normal and do not indicate a problem. However, in the unlikely event that you see an error message, please contact your PhixFlow support team.

Re-start Tomcat


The upgrade is now complete.

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