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Extra exercises

Update database exporter

Update the database exporter (Customer Summary By Region) you created in exercise 11:

  • to update the table DEST_CUST_SUMM_BY_REGION, to set AVG_LAST_BILL_AMT to the values in the stream, for each region

Notes: you will need to use a clause
where REGION = ...
Notes: remember that you refer to values from the Stream by using {}
Notes: before running the updated exporter, open the stream Customer Summary by Region, and update the expression for attribute AvgLastBillAmount to: 10
This will change the output values in the stream so that you can see whether your updated database exporter has worked.

  • to delete records in the table DEST_CUST_SUMM_BY_REGION, deleting the record for the region matching the current Stream record

Notes: you will need to use a clause
where REGION = ...

Update File Importer

Update the stream (CustomerAddresses) that you created in exercise 2.2, that reads from the file importer (Customer Addresses) you created in exercise 2.1, so that the name of the file being read in is recorded in an additional attribute.
Use the internal variable fileName to do this – you can find more information on this in the help page on _Internal Variables.
Remember, when you test your change:

  • You need to reload the file into the file collector
  • That you "paused" this stream; so you need to run analysis on it directly, rather than running one of streams that uses this as in input.

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