PhixFlow Help

Create further Stream Views

By the end of this exercise you will be able to:

  • Create a line chart (time series)
  • Create a 3D bar chart
  • Create a 3D pie chart
  • Create an aggregate view
  • Create a pivot view

Note in this exercise that you set Series, Y-Axis Attribute and X-Axis Attribute by dragging stream attributes into the boxes against these fields.

Create a line chart (time series)

  • Open the model Dashboards and Forms 01-08: Views, filters and dashboards
  • Open the Stream configuration form for Overall Debt Levels
  • Go to the Views tab

You will create a line chart, plotted over time, of debt levels broken down by payment means:

  • PressĀ  - Add a new item and select Line Chart (time)
  • Configure the following details:


    Debt levels by payment means

    View Type

    Line Chart (time)

    Attributes and Formatting




    Show Legend



    leave blank

    Fixed Scale

    leave unticked


    leave blank

    Y-Axis Attributes


    X-Axis Attribute


    Different Label?

    leave unticked

    Vertical Axis Title

    Debt level

    Horizontal Axis Title


    Label angle


    Show Values on Charts

    leave unticked

    You need to press Apply to see the following fields


    Primary Axis Unit


    Primary Axis Format

    Day in month

    Secondary Axis Unit


    Secondary Axis Format

    January, February

  • PressĀ 
  • Open the chart

Setting an upper limit

There is one data point in the data which is much greater than all the others, so movements in the levels of debt cannot be seen. Add a maximum value in the chart layout to exclude this outlier and generate a more useful graph:

  • set Max to 30000

Then view the chart to see the results.

Setting a lower limit

You decide you are only interested if there is a debt level of more than 5,000:

  • set Min to 5000

Then view the chart to see the results.

Fixing the scale

You now decide that you want to show the graph always including the Y-Axis starting at zero:

  • Set the Min to 0
  • Tick Fixed Scale

Then view the chart to see the results.
Note: Fixed Scale is relevant when the graph data changes. The Min and Max will always be plotted on the Y-Axis, even when the largest data value is lower than the Max and the lowest data value is larger than the Min.

Create a 3D bar chart

Now you will create a graph of the same data, but this time using a bar chart. Add a new view on the Stream Overall Debt Levels with these settings:


Debt levels by payment means 2

View Type

3D Barchart

Attributes and Formatting




Show Legend



leave blank

Fixed Scale

leave unticked


leave blank

Y-Axis Attributes


X-Axis Attribute


Different Label?

leave unticked

Vertical Axis Title

Debt level

Horizontal Axis Title


Label Angle


Show Values on Charts

leave unticked

  • Save the new view, and view the results

The view looks very cluttered ā€“ but we will filter this later to make this more useful.

Create a 3D pie chart

Now you will create a further chart on the Stream Overall Debt Levels, to give an overview of proportions of debt by various payment means. Create a new view with the settings:


Debt overview by payment means

View Type

3D Pie Chart



Data Attribute


Label Attribute


Show Legend


Show Values on Charts


Create an aggregate view

Now you will create a grid view on the data in Overall Debt Levels, but to show aggregated totals by payment method:

  • Add a new grid view, called Debt totals by payment means
  • Drag the attribute PaymentMeans into the Stream View Attributes list
  • Drag the attribute Count() into the Stream View Attributes list (this attribute is available on any grid view in PhixFlow, regardless of what attributes have been set up in the Stream)
  • Drag the attribute DebtLevel into the Stream View Attributes list
    • Now double-click on this attribute in the Stream View Attributes list
    • You will see the stream view attribute configuration form:
      • Set the Alias to TotalDebtLevel
      • Select the Aggregate Function: Sum
      • PressĀ 
  • PressĀ  on the main stream view configuration form to save your changes

View the results.

Create a pivot view

Now you will create a pivot view on the data in Overall Debt Levels to show debt totals by payment method and date.

  • PressĀ  - Add a new item and select Pivot
  • Configure the following details:
    • Name: Debt levels by payment method and date
    • Drag CalculationDate into Row Attributes
    • Drag PaymentMeans into Column Attribute
    • Drag DebtLevel into Value Attribute
    • Drag DebtLevel into Total Attribute
    • PressĀ 

View the results.

Finding views in the Views List

In the left-hand sidebar in PhixFlow, pressĀ  - Show the list of Stream Views. A list of all stream views configured in this installation of PhixFlow is shown.
Your new views are included in this list (if some are missing, pressĀ  - Refresh at the top of the list).

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