PhixFlow Help

Merging Sets of Data

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Create Merge Streams
  • Configure Groupings on Pipes

In this exercise, you will merge the two sets of data you just loaded into PhixFlow: the data from the file, and the data from the database.

  • In the model, select the Stream CustomerAddresses
  • Then select the Stream SOURCE_CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBERS – keep your ctrl key pressed down, and select the Stream with your left mouse button
  • Right-click anywhere on the background pane of the model (but not on either of the Streams you have just selected)
  • Select Merge Selected Streams
  • When the Stream Details form pops up, enter the Name: Customer All Details
  • A form will appear – in this form, you can select the key fields that you will use to join the data across the two sources:
    • In the box with title in press
    • Drag the attribute CustomerRef into the box
    • Close the list of attributes
    • In the box with title in_2 press
    • Drag the attribute CUSTOMER_REF into the box
    • Close the list of attributes
    • Press 
    • An Automatic Stream Configuration form will appear – accept the default in the drop-down list (All Attributes) and press 

A new merge Stream will appear on your model - Customer All Details.

Run Analysis on Stream

Run Analysis on your new Stream:

  • Hover over the stream Customer All Details, and press  - Run Analysis
  • See the run complete in the Console

View Stream data

To view the data you just loaded:

  • Hover over the Stream and in the tool bar press  - Show the list of Stream Views
  • In the drop down list, select Default View

You will see the address data you loaded from the file combined with the phone numbers you loaded from the database.

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