PhixFlow Help

Using automatic update buttons

Using action buttons on banners

Open the Dashboard User Course: Main Dashboard. In this exercise you will use an action button to apply corrections to customers' bank account numbers:

  • Double-click in the banner of the data grid Account Number Fix to maximise it.
  • Select the filter Account Number Not OK.
  • You should see three records in the grid. These have been identified as having invalid account numbers, and the PhixFlow model behind this data has generated a corrected version of the account numbers – these are shown in the column SuggestedAccountNumber.

You decide that the entries with bank account numbers 93451O08 and 9F450981 can be fixed with the suggested account number, but that the entry 934509933 cannot. To apply these fixes:

  • Select the records in the grid with bank account numbers 93451O08 and 9F450981
  • Press the action button Fix Account Number on the banner of the grid

The action will update each selected record, setting BankAccountNum to the value in SuggestedAccountNum, and AccountNumFormatCheck to FIXED. With the current filter (Account Number Not OK) you will see that the record you did not select was not updated. To see the updated records, filter the view to see records where AccountNumFormatCheck is FIXED.

Using actions from drop-down list

Open the Dashboard User Course: Fix Addresses/Postcodes. In this exercise you will use actions from the drop-down list to apply corrections to customers' addresses and postcodes:

  • Press the column heading AddressCorrect to sort the data; this will group all records that have correct addresses and all those with incorrect addresses
  • Select all records with AddressCorrect = N
  • From the drop-down action list select Fix Address
  • For the selected records Address1 will be updated to the value in NearAddress1, Address2 will be updated to the value in NearAddress2, and the flag AddressCorrect will be updated to Y.
  • Press the column heading PostCodeCorrect
  • Select all records that have PostCodeCorrect = N
  • You will see that one of the records with an incorrect post code has two suggested post codes in the column NearPostCode (the record with post code B9 17D); this cannot be corrected by the automated action since one of these postcodes must be selected manually - unselect this record
  • From the drop-down action list select Fix Postcode; for the selected records PostCode will be updated to the value in NearPostCode, and the flag PostCodeCorrect will be updated to Y

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