How To: Read data from an email account
PhixFlow Help
How To: Read data from an email account
Sometimes it is necessary to read data into PhixFlow streams from an email account. For example, if orders are always sent to a specified email address in the same format, it can be an easy way to automate their entry into a database or process them.
Example: Polling an email account for new messages
Step-by-step guide
- Click on Admin->Manage Email Accounts and add a new inbound account
- Click Test Configuration to ensure the settings are correct and then check the Enabled check-box save any changes. (See examples below for POP3 and IMAP)
- Click on Admin->System Configuration->System Directories and make a note of the location of the Import file location e.g. C:\opt\phixflow\data\import. Collected email message will appear in folders beneath this directory.
- Send a test email to the account with a data file attached. (Note: If you want to process the message body then sending plain text rather than HTML messages is easier)
- Navigate to the folder named "in" within the Import directory and then open the folder that is named with today's date
- Within this folder here will be a folder for each message, named with a GUID. Open this folder to view the attachment
Example Settings using POP3
With POP3 just the main Inbox is polled for messages
Example Settings using IMAP / Office 365
With the IMAP protocol, a subfolder can be specified
Location of attachments
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