PhixFlow Help

Advanced logging and reviewing activity

By the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Add a filter on log messages
  • Use options for additional logging
  • Find the PhixFlow system logs
  • Review when Streams were last run
  • Export a summary of Streams
  • Review all Task Plans
  • Review users' activity

Adding a filter on log messages

In the most recent log file for your Task Plan, filter the messages to see only those for the Database Collectors in the model:

  • In the Messages pane, press the button Select, create or clear a filter
  • Press the  button
  • In the new filter dialogue that appears:
  • Enter the Name Customer Details DB Collectors
  • Build the filter:
    • Where ANY of the following are true
      • Message contains Get Customer Phone Numbers
      • Message contains Last bill amount
  • Press OK

You will see no messages for the Database Collectors in the model.

Turning on additional logging

In the Console, press the button System Logging Configuration. Tick the option Log Collector Statements. Press OK.
In the Stream Sets tab of the most recent log file for your Task Plan, press the button Rollback data and run the analysis again... .
In the new log file, with the filter still applied, you will now see a message for each of the Database Collectors in the model – with, in each case, the query that the collector ran against the source database.
If you have problems running a Database Collector, this logging option allows you to see details of the queries sent to the source database. In some cases it may be useful when troubleshooting to cut and paste these queries into an application that allows you to run the query on the database directly.
Open System Logging Configuration again to see the other logging options that are available. Open the help for this form to see a more detailed description of each one.

Finding PhixFlow system logs

Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to:
These are the system logs generated by PhixFlow. Note in particular that there are log files with names like phixflow.log.20130502. A new PhixFlow log file is started for each day.
The current log file for PhixFlow is phixflow.log. Open this file and view the contents. You will see detailed messages logging activity on PhixFlow.
Generally you will not need to look at these files, but in the event of problems the PhixFlow Support Team may ask you to send your system log files for further analysis.

Reviewing and exporting the Stream summary

In the left-hand menu bar, find the button Show the list of Streams. Press this, and in the banner of the Streams list find the button Show a detailed list.
Click on the column heading Last Run Date. If the Streams shown at the top of the list have a null Last Run Date click on the column heading again. You should see the Streams in the model you ran with your Task Plan at the top of the list.
In the banner of the detailed Streams list, press the button Download to Excel.
The detailed Streams list, in PhixFlow or downloaded to Excel, can be useful for reviewing activity across all the Streams in PhixFlow.
There is a similar detailed list of all Alarm Generators.

Reviewing all Task Plans

In the left-hand menu bar, find the button Show the list of Task Plans. Press this. In the banner of the list of Task Plans, find the button Show a detailed list. Press this.
This view allows you to review all Task Plans in PhixFlow. You will see that only one Task Plan is scheduled. In a production installation of PhixFlow, commonly there will be a number of Task Plans scheduled.
This view is helpful when assessing when things are going to run – and in particular, what will be affected if you have a planned system outage; or what was affected if you had an unplanned system outage.

Reviewing users' activity

In the left-hand menu bar, find the button Show the list of Users. Press this. In the banner of the list of users, find the button Show a detailed list. Press this.
This view allows you to review all the users set up in PhixFlow. Press the column heading Last Activity Time once or twice – as needed – to get the most recent activity to the top of the list. This is helpful when you need to know who is active on your installation of PhixFlow.

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