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Actions - opening other dashboards, action validation

This exercise is based around a parcel delivery service Apollo Parcels. When parcels cannot be delivered, customers can request redelivery on a certain date, and give a target redelivery time.

Action to open another dashboard – filtered for selected row

By the end of this section you will be able to:

  • Create an action that opens another dashboard
  • Create context variables on actions
  • Use context variables in a filter

You will create an action to review delivery slots for a requested redelivery. The candidate slots presented will be chosen based on matching the delivery zone and redelivery date requested by the customer.

  • Open the model Dashboards and Forms 14. Actions to open other dashboards, action validation
  • Go to the Stream Apollo Deliveries, and open the view Apollo Deliveries to see the data
  • Go to the Stream Apollo Delivery Slots, and open the view Apollo Delivery Slots to see the data

First, create two dashboards:

  • Create a dashboard Apollo Manage Redeliveries
    • Drag the view Apollo Deliveries on to the dashboard
    • Press  to show all buttons
    • Press  to show the view details on the dashboard
      • Update the Element Name to: ApolloDeliveries
      • Press 
      • Press 
    • Resize your view on the dashboard, and press  to save your layout changes
  • Create a dashboard Apollo Delivery Slots
    • Drag the view Apollo Deliveries Slots on to the dashboard
    • Press  to show all buttons
    • Press  to show the view details on the dashboard
      • Update the Element Name to: ApolloDeliverySlots
      • Press 
      • Press 
    • Resize your view on the dashboard, and press  to save your layout changes

Now add the action:

  • Open the configuration form for the Stream Apollo Deliveries

Go to the Actions tab

  • Press  to create a new action
  • Give the action the following configuration:
    • Name: Review Redelivery Slots
    • Display Name: Review Redelivery Slots
    • Open Post Dashboard: Apollo Delivery Slots
  • Press 
  • Add context parameters to the action:
    • Go to the Context Parameters tab
    • Press 
    • Configure a context parameter with the settings:
      • Name: DeliveryZone
      • Expression: ApolloDeliveries.DeliveryZone
        • Note that to reference the selected row, we use the Element Name of the view on the dashboard
      • Press 
      • Configure another context parameter:
        • Name: RedeliveryDate
        • Expression: ApolloDeliveries.RedeliveryDate
        • Press 
      • Press  in the main Action configuration form
    • To associate the action with the view:
      • Open the configuration form for the view Apollo Deliveries
        • Go to the Menu tab
        • Press  - Actions
        • Select your action from the list and drag it into the list of actions associated with the view
        • Press  to apply your changes

You have configured the action Review Redelivery Slots to pop up another dashboard when it runs - Apollo Delivery Slots. Now you will add a filter to Apollo Delivery Slots so that it only shows entries relevant for the customer's details (delivery zone and redelivery date):

  • Open the view Apollo Delivery Slots from the Stream Apollo Delivery Slots (to see the data)
  • Add a filter:
    • Name: for Customer Details
    • Conditions:
      • Where ALL the following are true
      • DeliveryZone equals _context.DeliveryZone
        • Press the ABC button - this will now say fx
      • DeliverySlotDate equals _context.RedeliveryDate
        • Press the ABC button - this will now say fx
    • Press 
    • All records in the view will disappear – this is because there is currently no context set
  • Make this the default filter for the view:
    • Open the configuration form for the view – remember that you can do this by right-clicking on any data record and selecting Show View (you will have to remove the filter you just added to do this)
    • Go to the Advanced tab
    • Set Default Filter to: for Customer Details
    • Press 

Now test the new action:

  • Open the dashboard Apollo Manage Redeliveries
  • Select a record with status REQ REDELIVERY and press the Review Redelivery Slots button
  • The delivery slots dashboard will appear, with entries filtered for the selected customer's details

Validating actions

In this exercise you will add a validation step to the action you created in the previous exercise. There is no point in reviewing delivery slots for deliveries that have already been completed. So you will validate, when the user runs the action to show delivery slots, that the record is a redelivery request:

  • Go to the Stream Apollo Deliveries
  • Open the configuration form for the action Review Redelivery Slots
  • Go to the Validate Action tab
  • Enter the expression:
if (ApolloDeliveries.DeliveryStatus != "REQ REDELIVERY",
 error("Not a redelivery request")
  • Press 
  • Try running your action again – both on rows which are redelivery requests, and rows which are not - you should see the error appear when the row is not a redelivery request

Add action to choose delivery slot

You will now add an action to the delivery slots dashboard to choose one of the suggested slots.
To start, you need to go to the Actions tab of the stream Apollo Delivery Slots. Note that you can do this from the dashboard:

  • Open the dashboard Apollo Delivery Slots
  • In the view Apollo Delivery Slots, press 
  • Press - this opens the configuration of the stream behind the view
  • Go to the Actions tab
  • Add an action:
    • Name: Choose
    • Display Name: Choose Delivery Slot
    • Go to the Item Updates tab
    • Set Stream Item Action to Update
    • Press 
    • Press  and drag the attribute RedeliveryRef into the list of Action Attributes

You will update this attribute with the value of the redelivery reference in the original Apollo Manage Redeliveries dashboard. First you need to add a context variable to hold this value on the original action:

  • Go to the Stream Apollo Deliveries
  • Open the configuration form for the action Review Redelivery Slots
  • Add a context parameter:
    • Name: RedeliveryRef
    • Expression: ApolloDeliveries.RedeliveryRef
    • Save your changes to the action
  • Return to the action Choose on the stream Apollo Delivery Slots
  • First you need to store the context parameter RedeliveryRef in a context parameter in the Choose action; the context is re-set when you run a new action, so you need to capture this value to use in the Choose action
    • Add a new context parameter:
      • Name: RedeliveryRefStored
      • Expression: _context.RedeliveryRef
  • Complete configuration of the action attribute RedeliveryRef:
    • Open the configuration form for this attribute
    • Set the Expression to: _context. RedeliveryRefStored
  • Save your changes to the action
  • Add the new action to the view Apollo Delivery Slots
  • Make the new action a refresh action on the view Apollo Delivery Slots
  • Test your new action:
    • Open the dashboard Apollo Manage Redeliveries
    • Choose a row where DeliveryStatus is REQ REDELIVERY
    • Press Review Redelivery Slots
    • In the dashboard Apollo Redelivery Slots select a slot
    • Press Choose
    • The Redelivery Ref from the original dashboard will be written to the Redelivery Ref of the chosen slot
  • Finally, update the default filter on the view Apollo Redelivery Slots so that when the RedeliveryRef field is populated it is not shown – in this way, once a slot has been chosen, it cannot be chosen again
  • Test your process again – this time, when you choose a slot it should disappear from the Apollo Redelivery Slots dashboard; to see the reference value you wrote to the slot, use the default view on the stream Apollo Redelivery Slots

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